Dashboard using Mushroom cards and media players

I hadn’t seen too many example dashboards using the Mushroom cards and thought others may like this.

My main use-cases were around streamlining usage of my a/v gear. But also a few smart lights and doorbell as well.

This setup works well as my wall-tablet and on mobile

  1. Main homepage using mushroom cards throughout

  2. Media Centre pages

  • Mushroom media entity card for all speakers/AV equipment
  • Mini media player for Sonos groups management and dynamic ‘Now-playing’ screen (displays cover art for currently playing song/video on any media player).
  • Large buttons for various Scenes to control my A/V gear
  • Apple TV remote

Remaining dashboard pages are pretty boring so haven’t shown them
3. family calendar
4. Map
5. Sonarr and Radarr webpages
6. Plex Assistant
7. page with various graphs/stats/sensors for my NAS, network and other IT infra.


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I have just finished my Dashboard for the Amazon Fire HD 10

Please see below


Would you mind sharing your entertainment card ? really love it !

Could you please share your code ? Especially the Sonos group … many thx

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I guess this has been done with the Mini Media Player Lovelace Card:

Hi Fade2Gray,

I’m wondering how you could manage to do the setup in Mushroom for having a tablet size width for adding a lott of entities on 1 row ?