Dashboard Wallpaper Contest!

Are you ready to show off your creative skills and transform the Home Assistant Dashboard into a work of art? Join the Home Assistant Dashboard Wallpaper (Mini) Contest and let your imagination run wild!

Whether you’re a master of sleek minimalism or a vibrant color enthusiast, this is your chance to design a stunning wallpaper that will beautify dashboards in households around the world. The best part? You’ll be contributing to a community of makers, and the winning design could be included in future versions of HA everywhere!

Don’t miss the opportunity to make your mark on the smart home world—enter the contest today and bring your vision to life! Post your wallpaper creations here to join the contest. :smiley:

P.S. If you want to enter the contest, please post a version of your wallpaper without the dashboard on top.


Yeahh heres mine.
Ai Generated for an natural peacefull beckground.


I use this dashboard every day on my wallpannel.

How about adjustable opacity on section / card background? i.e. have the background picture show through the black/white from the tiles.

For dark background I like to use one of my Lightning photographs from a decade ago.

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Some of my locally AI generated images using flux.



for an example. :slight_smile:

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