Dashboard with links to in-home web-based administration portals (ie Router, Cockpit, PiHole, Portainer, NAS, etc)

I’m sure this has been covered somewhere - but I can’t seem to come up with the right search criteria to find it.

I want to create a Home Assistant Dashboard with links/bookmarks to all of the various web administration/configuration pages in my home. It could be as simple as a a bookmark that opens a tab in a new page, but would be better if I could display some information about or status of the service. Things like my router, OpenWrt, pihole, portainer, cockpit - basically anything that presents a webpage.

Is there something clever and elegant out there that is designed just for this purpose? Or do I just use a normal entity card and configure the action to open a new browser tab? And if so, do I need to create entities for each of these web-administration consoles?

I would be grateful for any suggestions or links to existing articles that discuss how to implement this type of dashboard in HA. Thanks.

I have a few links on my frontend that I created using a simple Markdown card. As for pulling info from each service…would have to go one by one to each service and look for an integration/then pull in entities if integration is supported.

There are dedicated non HA tools that do this…I know that doesn’t help much. Here are two I’ve tried:


Thanks for the reply and suggestions. I’ve tried Homer and Heimdall - and linking to one of them from the sidebar may turn out to be the best answer here. I was just kind of hoping there might be some better, more elegant solution in the Home Assistant world given all of the capabilities Lovelace brings.

There are integrations for all of our smart, IoT devices - but is there one for generic computer monitoring? Something that would show: Uptime, cpu and memory usage and IP Address - or any off-the-shelf way to link UptimeKuma with Home Assistant so we could leverage data from it?

For UptimeKuma: GitHub - meichthys/uptime_kuma: Uptime Kuma HACS integration

Also check out this thread for some other ideas: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/system-monitoring-how-does-your-look

Thanks very much! That first link is exactly what I was looking for - and the second one has lots of good ideas!

An entities card can contain weblinks, here is how my very basic one looks.

I do have just a simple dashboard for the relevant server applications or data storages.


Thanks - I think I’ll end up going with something simple like yours - at least until I get all of the major stuff up and running and have some time to try and do something fancier.

Nice. I like the 2 lines of text for each rather than a single line entity - but what happens when you click one of these? Do they transition to another dashboard - or just open a web browser/tab? (I’m trying to understand why the " >" is on the card. That would normally signify that it takes you to another dashboard, right?)

how you do that?

Can you please post your code?

This look relly awesome.

Please post your yaml for this, it is exactly what im trying to do

Found from browsing other posts when looking for the same answers!
Add an Entities card to your dashboard.
Example below:

type: entities

1 Like

I do exactly that. But please post your config as yaml. Just got the edit button on your post. Select all the code and then press the </> button.

Using the button card and Custom Brand Icons from HACS, I get:

Tap behaviour is either navigate or URL. I also filter the Admin side for admin users.