Dashboards - v0.107 examples

Can anyone share an example of how to configure multiple dashboards through yaml? I’ve read through the v0.107 release notes and looked at the info page. I’m clearly missing something…?

Should the dashboard name be the same as the filename? Can it be?

The documentation has changed:

You can define multiple dashboards that all have their own YAML file, and add custom resources that are shared by all dashboards.

The key of the dashboard is used as the URL, this needs to contain a hyphen ( - ).

Look here:

EDIT: I did overread it the first time either :smiley:

Got the basics working, thanks!

Is there any way to move all of the dashboard files into a separate directory? When I tried filename: "/config/ui/hidden.yaml" the Filename listed in the dashboard section was configuihidden.yaml.

Good question. It would be nice to have the dashboard configuration files in a separate directory.

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