Dasshio - Amazon Dash Buttons Hass.io add-on

Is this supposed to have fixed it?
I have updated to 120 and restarted but I’m still getting the same error in Dasshio.

Supervisor 120 did nothing to fix it.
However I just reloaded the supervisor panel and the latest version was rolled back to 115. This is got it working again.

I just did the same. Very strange version hopping.
But I’ll be honest and say that I don’t even know what the Hassio Supervisor is :slight_smile:

I just did the same. Back to 115, and Dasshio is working again.

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Now it’s up to v121 and Dasshio stopped working a again.
What on earth is going on???

How can i roll back to 115?

I thought they werent working because i deactivated them in the amazon app because the notifications were totally annoying.

You can stop the Amazon notifications in a couple of ways. The way I do it is to restrict their internet access on my router using parental controls.

A moot point at the moment though!!

I tried blocking DNS access but they sometimes get through. If I block all access then Dasshio does not work. Did you block their DNS access or URL access ?

Was that aimed at me? I stop them having any access to the internet 24 hours a day. They worked fine until a few days ago with the hiatus with HassOS and then stopped again with the bizarre version hopping of hassio supervisor. (They worked for a few hours last night with version 115)

Yes I was asking you how you blocked access? Was it via DNS blocking or URL blocking ? I tried blocking parker-gw-eu.amazon.com which is how EU Dash Buttons connect but that was not enough.

As I said I use parental controls which simply restricts internet access to certain devices at set times. I restrict mt Dash buttons 24 hours a day. This is what my router page looks like.

You just block internet access full stop, either with that actual function if your router has it or using parental control if not.

Downside of blocking access is the battery will last a lot less time as rather than a quick connect and back to sleep it’ll keep trying for a while, watch the led on the button.

Other way to do it is set up Amazon accounts just to set buttons up using a new Gmail or similar account.

OK. My TP-LINK does the nuclear option with that setting and even blocks LAN access :rage:

Yes I get over 20 seconds if I block all access. With the DNS block to it is under 10 seconds and I don’t always get an email back from Amazon asking me to choose a product for that button.

You’re doing something wrong then, I used to do it that way on tp-link routers before getting something better. Parental control only blocks wan access.

Would it be better to reject the connection instead of dropping on the firewall?

Interesting, thanks, I didn’t know that. I might reset mine and start again with a different email address…

But back to the main point :slight_smile:
Are they actually working for any of you at the moment???

I am using Access Control. Will try Parental controls if I cannot sort out the Access blocking. Thanks.

No probs, I used to use it to block all sorts, Yi lights, Broadlink RMPro etc etc., and it always did the job.

Now have an R7000 with AsusWRT on it and the luxury of one click ‘Block Internet Access’ control. To be fair, the biggest issue I had with the C9 was the number of DHCP reservations it offered, surprising how quickly you run out even on a small set up.

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