Dasshio - Amazon Dash Buttons Hass.io add-on


Is Dasshio working for anyone else since hassio supervisor 121?

No it isn’t.

If you read other threads here you’d see it’s a blanket balls up affecting things that use @home_assistant and nothing so far has fixed it.

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Get the following errors in the Hassio Supervisor System Log. Not seeing anything recent in the forum with this message. Could just be affecting Dasshio.

18-07-25 19:25:38 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Unknown HomeAssistant API access!
18-07-25 19:52:29 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Unknown HomeAssistant API access!
18-07-25 19:55:04 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Unknown HomeAssistant API access!

See post above yours :slight_smile:

I saw that but no one else seems to have posted the same error message which I find strange if this is affecting others.

I’m down again after 121 update.

Issue and fix is all Here. Need the Dev Daniel to implement it.

Will roll out a new version during today. Thanks!


Is there any update on this?

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we need to be patient I expect Home Assistant to have more breaking changes as we get to new level of security (2fa and others) as for the effort of danimb all I can say is than you for taking your time to help the community I can patiently wait till this issue is resolved since I do not have the skills to fix it myself.

I’m not being impatient, just responding to the suggestion that it would be fixed yesterday.
It was just a simple question.


There is a workaround from e2m32 that will get you up and running again until this current issue is fixed

“timeout”: 20,
“buttons”: [
“name”: “mybutton1”,
“address”: “AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ:00”,
“url”: “https://.duckdns.org:8123/api/services/light/toggle”,
“headers”: “{“x-ha-access”: “my_ha_api_paswd”,“Content-Type”: “application/json”}”,
“body”: “{“entity_id”: “light.bathroom”}”

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As an almost irrelevant aside I have long wondered why this add-on is called dasshio (two s’s) and today I stumbled upon a similar add-on by @Pantomax which is also called dasshio. This made me think that maybe I was missing something obvious about the name?

It’s a pun on haSSio. I’d guess Pantomax is just duping the repositories of the add-ons he uses or wants to ‘fiddle with’ as it’s definitely @danimtb’s work.

Yes of course.
So obvious!
I’m looking forward to it working again…

Sorry, I was on holiday (still on) and was not able to make the release.

I have just released 0.3.1 fixing the authentication issue. Please update and report back :slight_smile:

Note this was not a breaking change on Dasshio but a change on the way Hassio authenticates to interact with the HA API. Other addons were affected by this issue too.

Thanks a lot for the workarounds proposed before the fix was done and for the feedback!


Brilliant. It works!
Enjoy your holiday and thank you.

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Hi @danimtb I have opened a new issue on github, it seems last homeassistant updates (v0.75.0) have broken the auth system again

Nope, all good, this one must be on you.