Data spikes in the Energy Dashboard

The template sensor should filter out 0 values. As long as your source sensor dropped directly to zero it should prevent this occuring again. Look closely at the history of the last incident did it drop directly from 24806 to 0 or was there a point recorded in between?

If so you will have to make the availability template > that intermediate number.

No there is no way to import your old energy history.

You don’t need a utility meter. You can feed it directly to the energy dashboard.

Thanks Tom.

Yes, the sensor dropped immediately to zero, so I assume that will work.

For other people, I stumbled across a way to “correct” the energy data based on the old sensor. Under Developer Tools there is a “Statistics” tab. If you find the affected sensor, on the far right of that row, there is a “Adjust Sum” icon. If you click on that, you can adjust out the bad “Sum” entry. Simply bring up the affected time period (look at the sensor history to find the wrong value) and set the number you want to set. This seems to have fixed the “Energy” dashboard totals for me, but not the historical value of the sensor which is less important for me from a historical prospective.

This does not fix the underlying problem, and I assume it is not unlikely I will see the same thing happen again which I will likely need to manually correct again. But I have setup the “filtered” sensor as outline by Tom. And at that point these will have more history of the corrected data and when I have enough historying, I can change the energy dashboard over to use these filtered sensors.


Hi: swainstm:
We have just checked this issue and found when the energy meter power up,in a very short time(around 1 second), the Modbus/TCP server is already on (Listen on the port of 502) but the measurement result is not ready.
If there is a Modbus/TCP request, it may reply the zero data.
This probability is very low ( power-up && the modbus request occur within that one second time) , but indeed exists
we have just fixed this issue and will release a version later

But we found another very strange problem.
Please see this pic .

we export the data in HA and found there are some random data(marked as “unavailable” in the exported csv ) displayed in the chart of the dashboard.
Does someone know this reason?
Why did HA plot the “unavailable” point (with a specific value) in the chart?
Is this some problem of HA?

Thanks Iammeter.

I think there is a bit more to my problem than an issue on “power up”, because I have had this issue at other time beside the power up. I have been using Modbus for about a week or 2, and I have had to correct this issue at least 3 different times, and none of these are when the meter has powered up, and from my prospective, seems to be out of the blue with no other explanation. HOWEVER, I notice if I go to the meter local web interface, the “Runtime” is some number of minutes that is a LOT less than the time they were powered up. Eg, all my meters right not have “Runtime” of 588. That is less than 10 hours ago. I had a blackout 10 days ago and the meters should have been constantly up since then. So it appears the meters might be restarting themselves for other reasons??? Could this be when the invalid data is slipping in?

As for the other issue you are seeing, I have not seen that on my implementation unless I am missing something, So maybe it is something to do with your setup rather than the meters?

Sorry, my description is not accurate before, it is not “power up”, but a reboot.
There is an auto reboot logic in this firmware, the time is around 10 hours.
Anyway, we will provide a new FW version for this issue this week, thanks for your feedback.

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Please try the latest version


2 When the energy meter reboots and has connected to the LAN successfully, it will take 1-2 seconds to prepare the valid data. If the first Modbus/TCP request is in within this 1-2 seconds, it will return zero data in the previous version.

Feature changes:
The auto-reboot cycle is extended to 24 hours (Before: 10 hours)

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Thanks. I have done the upgrade. I assume it will fix the issue. But I will come back here and report if I see the issue again.

Thanks heaps.

I am having a similar issue (like many, many others). I tried to filter out higher, unplausible values with the availibility template like this:

  - state_topic: energy/growatt
    value_template: "{{ value_json['values']['pvtemperature'] | int(0) / 10 }}"
    availability_template: "{{ value_json['values']['pvtemperature'] | int(0) < 2000 }}"
    unique_id: growatt_inverer_temperature
    device_class: temperature
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    name: Growatt - Inverter temperature
    state_class: "measurement"      

But it simply doesn’t do this :frowning:

Any idea why?

Well that’s an mqtt sensor, not a template sensor like what was discussed above.

For MQTT sensors you must define an availability topic and payloads as well.

Try adding:

  - state_topic: energy/growatt
    value_template: "{{ value_json['values']['pvtemperature'] | int(0) / 10 }}"
    availability_topic: energy/growatt
    availability_template: "{{ value_json['values']['pvtemperature'] | int(0) < 2000 }}"
    payload_available: true
    payload_not_available: false
    unique_id: growatt_inverer_temperature
    device_class: temperature
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    name: Growatt - Inverter temperature
    state_class: "measurement"    

You may need to quote the two availability payloads if it does not work.

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Oh man, thank you so much. I was looking for so long for this solution! It works right out of the box!!!

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I have another data spike issue I would like to fix.

Background is I am using LocalTuya to read Energy (Wh) from an energy meter. I also have a “Utility Meter” Helper to break that down into Day, Week, Month and Year rather than a less relevant meter total.

Sometimes when I add a device or reconfigure something in Tuyalocal, or restart HA, it seems a lower value is sometimes (but not always) read. The main problem with this is that the Utility Meter helper seems to take notice of this lower value, and assume it is relevant, and the next read that is correct causes the Utility meter to jump by the difference between the lower spike and the correct value which is sometimes substantial.

So I thought I would create another “filter” sensor to try and fix this. The basic logic is if the new value is below the previous value, just update with the previous value. I don’t really have a good understanding of the yaml coding here, but I have cut and pasted snipets from other things that work. My code is below :

  - sensor:
      - name: "hiking5_local_energy_filtered2" 
        icon: "mdi:counter"
        unit_of_measurement: "Wh"
        device_class: energy
        state_class: total_increasing
        state: >
          {% set old = states('sensor.hiking5_local_energy_filtered2') | float %}
          {% set new = states('sensor.hiking5_local_energy') | float %}
          {% if old < new %}  {{ new }}
          {% else %} {{ old }}
          {% endif %}
        availability: "{{ states('sensor.hiking5_local_energy')|float(0) > 1 }}"

This creates the Entity, but nothing ever appears in there?

Does anyone have ideals on how to fix this, or an alternate approach that filters out the corrupting entry that has the meter go backwards for 1 reading?

Thanks in advance.

Thanks to some previous work by people here :

I have setup a input number, automation and template sensor which I hope will do the job. The sensor seems to work and update which is a good sign it might work. However, in truth, I have not been able to trigger the invalid value, so until that happens, the jury is out.

I followed the outline by _Brian in Apr 21. My template and automation is as outlined below :

alias: Hiking5_Local_Energy_Filter3
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.hiking5_local_energy_filtered3
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ (states('sensor.hiking5_local_energy_filtered3') | int >
      states('input_number.hiking5_local_energy_previous') | int) }}
  - service: input_number.set_value
      entity_id: input_number.hiking5_local_energy_previous
      value: "{{ states('sensor.hiking5_local_energy_filtered3') | int }}"
mode: single

  - sensor:
      - name: "hiking5_local_energy_filtered3" 
        icon: "mdi:counter"
        unit_of_measurement: "Wh"
        device_class: energy
        state_class: total_increasing
        state: >
          {% set new_state = states('sensor.hiking5_local_energy') | int %}
          {% set old_state = states('input_number.hiking5_local_energy_previous') | int %}
          {% if new_state >= old_state %}
            {{ new_state }}
          {% else %}
            {{ old_state }}
          {% endif %}

But I would love it if the filter outlined by _Brian here was implemented to make this simpler and easier :

I hope this helps someone.

I have occassionally noisy data with missing or absurd readings for single samples then normal operation continues. This can be because of interference, data corruption, power dips, bad sensors, software bugs, etc.

I use a 3 sample median statistics filter when needed to remove the single errors regardless of whether they are high or low. This will slightly delay your readings - in may case by 2 minutes - and completely eliminates the data spikes without any need for knowledge of the underlying system or what is an absurd value. I tend to use early this in the signal chain before further processing rather than at the end of the chain in multiple places.

For example I was trying to capture peak power demand of my house to properly size a battery system I plan on adding. The peak readings where confused by my EV charger which will eventually be separated. I was subtracting the EV charger demand from the grid import to get house demand, but skews between the separate sensor reading times would sometimes have the apparent house demand increase by the charger demand or sometimes be reduced into negative numbers when the charger turns off. The median filter eliminated this issue and my peak captures are now clean.

# House Power Filtered
# Median of 3 Samples
# Eliminates single sample spike caused by EV charger start/stop
- platform: statistics
  name: House Power - Filtered
  entity_id: sensor.house_power
  state_characteristic: median
  sampling_size: 3


I’m having the same issue with the Aeon Lab Energy Home Meter Gen5 (Z-wave).
Actually I’m correcting the wrong values

Hi ShaneF,

Can you explain where you put this code ?
is it in the configuration.yaml ?


That code is in my sensors.yaml


Thanks for you answer.

Actually I get an error in my Energy Panel (
Entity not defined) :slight_smile:


My Configuration.Yaml looks like :


The ID of the sensor you create is linked to the “name” used in the statistic definition. In your case (unless you have renamed the object) your sensor would be something like sensor.energy_meter_electric_consumption_filtered. I don’t know for sure how non-alpha characters are treated in all cases.

Go to developed tools/states and search for something with “filtered” in its name to see the actual ID created.

On the other hand I have not tried this with an energy sensor directly. I would try to go back further in the signal chain if possible to smooth before the values are integrated into energy.

Hi, I found this conversation so I think is good to keep it here for everyone else. I also had a problem with energy spike that is messing up with my historic data. My problem here is not the origin of the incorrect data but the data itself.

My problem is that in energy dashboard I see the data spike but when going to Deverloper tools > Statistics; I cant find the data that creates that spike within the entity. I search within the day and within the hours in Statistics and nothing was recorded related to that entity.

If I search in the history no data has been recorded within the day of the spike.

Where else should I search for the data values?


This is heading down a slightly different path to the original question, however I had this problem as well. My SMA Home Manager Energy Meter occasionally provides a garbage value for several of its reported parameters.

To fix out of range errors, I processed the values through a bounding template, where the values are clipped at “reasonable” values when excessive values are supplied.


# Solar Power
# Sum all solar producers
# Limited to positive and <20kw to reduce noise from data corruption
- sensor:
    - name: Solar Power
      unique_id: solar_power
      device_class: power
      state_class: measurement
      unit_of_measurement: W
      state: >
        {% set net_power = states('sensor.sb5_0_1av_41_887_pv_power') | float(0) %}
        {{ [[ net_power, 0 ] | max, 20000] | min }}

The second issue can be that your energy sensor (or perhaps your template) replies with a zero value rather than ‘unavailable’ during data loss or initialisation. When the new value appears, the energy sensor will use the new value as if the sensor had been reset and produce a massive first value. You can really only fix this (I believe) with a template that correctly invalidates garbage values.

might be the same issue: the sum entry is corrupted - this could not be fixed from HA tools …