Database (MariaDB) installation problems after power cut

I am running HASS 2023.02.3 from a VM installed on a Ubuntu PC. A few days ago after a power cut a file called ."…v2.dbcorrupted…".appeared within the configuration folder… Today I tried to install MariaDB add on (2.5.2) but after providing user (homeassistant) and password,. Clicking on “start” is not effective. A red dot on top right shows when mouse hovers “add on halted” The log book of MariaDB does not show any error message. All messages on the MariaDB logbook show install activities were Ok. If I activate the “restart on halt” switch, it goes back to off postion and no start action is initiated, furthermore the app is not shown with the other already installed add on, but if a try to install again from the shop the "MariadB installation screen that pops, shows the buttons “start” and “uninstall” acknowledging that is already installed.

I repeated the installation process before touching the corrupted v2.db file and after deleting it (is a binary file, I was unable to get info from it other than power crash time in the file name).

¿Any suggestion to get MariaDB in operation?

After a full system backup, now MariaDB is working >Solved