Database requires upgrade

2018-12-04 19:35:19 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.migration] Database requires upgrade. Schema version: 7

I get the above warning in my log file. What am I supposed to do here? I am currently on version 82.1.

Are you trying to upgrade Hassio? Are you using Owntracks? I had this issue when trying to upgrade. There are breaking changes in owntracks:

Once I made the owntracks changes, then performed the hassio ugprade the database warning is gone

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I commented out the OwnTracks stuff in my config file and then upgraded. The upgrade worked and I no longer have the database upgrade warning. Thanks.

Cool, just ensure you change the owntracks config so it will continue to work :slight_smile:

Thanks! Having troubles upgrading as well. Will try