Database upgrade in progress since 6h after update core_2024.8.0

Is it normal, that database upgrade runs since 6h?

System performance will temporarily degrade during the database upgrade. Do not power down or restart the system until the upgrade completes. Integrations that read the database, such as logbook, history, and statistics may return inconsistent results until the upgrade completes. This notification will be automatically dismissed when the upgrade completes.

How big is your database and what hardware are you running it on?

My 1.5GB database took about 3-4 minutes to convert on a core i7-1165G7.

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thanks for the info…
Mine is around 10GB… and started 20min ago… so I should wait (20min and still not finished)
let´s see after an hour if it´s already finished :no_mouth:

10GB :grimacing:

Be paitent.

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Mine is app. 2GB. MariaDB running on a Synology NAS. And sorry I upgraded to Core 2024.8.0

Database is 6gb and running as maria db on my synology nas since more than 6h :frowning: and still not finished

That’s not super surprising if you are using the default maria config. Maria works much better with more RAM allocated to it.

Just let it run, check on it in a day.

yup… I know… :innocent: (even with quite a few excludes in the recorder… but I’m a kpi freak…I must confess)
I hope it won´t break anything… I’m using mariaDB btw… it’s supposed to be more robust (I hope)

finished!!! :smiley:

How long did it take for how many GB?

I am in the same boat. I have approx. 12gb’s and I am storing it in a MariaDB. and I am running HA in a VM with 2 cores and 4GB of ram, so far it has been running for 1 hour. the issue is I don’t care how long it takes but the issue is that I am lossing sensor data. and also there is no way I can monitor it.

UPDATE: for me it progress take 2 hours for 20gb

That’s probably going to take quite a while.

You will be notified in the log when it finishes.

is there a way to add a “Progress bar” or something so that the user can see how long it will take, or check on the progress


Alomost 1.5 days for 58GB =)


my Database is 3,1gb and the upgrade has been running for 18 hours now.

I would have to restart my HA, but I’m not allowed to restart as long as the upgrade is running.

When I enter this command in phpmyAdmin

show full processlist;

It shows:
command Time state Info Process
Query 4182 copy to tmp table ALTER TABLE states ADD FOREIGN KEY(old_state_id) R… 22.563

The rest is set to sleep and process 0

Is that normal? Can I do anything?

This post tells you precisely what to do.

I read that, of course. But my database is not 10GB. And I read from others with about 3GB that it was finished after a few hours.

I just want to rule out that there is a problem with my upgrade and I need to do something

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Any chance to get the energy dashboard history during the DB upgrade?
My upgrade is running over 24 hours now,

Is it normal that the energy Dashboard is not working during the upgrade.

Unlikely as it’s completely driven off computed data f om the database thays being upgraded…

See previous.

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Be patient for how long though? With no progress indicator of any form, we have no way of knowing what’s “normal, wait longer” and what’s “it’s stuck and never going to finish”
So do I be patient for an hour? a day? a week? a month? a year? a decade? at what point do I call it broken? and if it is, what do I do about it?

In the meantime, I’m told not to restart, but I have 2 integrations and an add-on that won’t work until I do a restart. so basically I’m at the mercy of something that I have no way of knowing if it’s even doing anything. and a broken HA instance until it finishes, which it may never do.