Database upgrade in progress since 6h after update core_2024.8.0

Update; I enabled remote access so I can view the status via ACE and the ‘show processlist’; My DB is 16GB and it looks like this is going to take a while as I got 1% in 3 mintues…

Currently for me it’s seriously taking days before the upgrade is done and my HA is rebooting after a few hours (so the process starts again?). I don’t think this is working as it should I guess. Does anyone know how I can follow the progress when the MariaDB add-on is active?

I’m running:

  • On a Raspberry PI 4B 8GB with SSD (Samsung Eco 870)
  • Hass OS 13.1
  • Core 2024.9.0
  • Supervisor 2024.08.0
  • MariaDB via Addons

I’m waiting till the database upgrade is done so I can move towards the Raspberry Pi 5.

The Database upgrade at Core 2024.8.0 my system survived. It took a day, but then it was ok.
Now with 2024.9.0, the upgrade failed after being busy for 36 hours.
The database update started again to update at a restart.
I roled back to Core 2024.8.3.
This was only possible after a hard reset.
What can I do now?

Have the same problem in phpmyadmin I can see that the table upgrade runs until 45% and then restarts again and again for 4 days now with a lot of reading and writing to my SSD. I have an HP thin client with an i5 and 16gb of ram. This also means that for the past 4 days no data is recorded. Even after the 2024.9.1 update it continues.

Don’t really want to revert an backup and shrinking my database witch makes me loose a lot of data.

Same here. Both with 2024.9 and 2024.9.1
Mariadb running already 2 days at 100% mem and cpu

What command did you use to see the progresss?

I am stuck at updating right now for 20 hours already.