DataDog component - getting started

I think I am missing a key step in the setup process of Home-Assistant DataDog component…

On the configuration - there is no way to link with my DD account
and in DD they are looking for some agent to report back to them and won’t allow me to do anything until I set it up…

Which agent am I supposed to use?
how do I link the 2 together ?

(I am using HassOS so I have limited access to the operating system - but the install mentions nothing about any additional setup beyond a few optional parameters…)


@Amir974 did you ever figure this out? I’m having the same problem.

no :frowning:
Gave up on it.
I’m good with Prometheus and Grafana local implementation.


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No worries! I’ve got a pretty good Grafana setup anyway but I need to use DataDog for work so I was hoping to use this as a learning exercise. Shame the documentation is missing such a big chunk of information!