Date and Time Condition Help

The goal is to only allow automation to run if after the date and time of an date-time helper. I’m thinking it’s only evaluating the time portion and not the date and time??

Here is the value of the helper

Here is the trace.

Try using a Template condition instead placing the following in the “value template” field:

{{ now() > states('input_datetime.cam_lower_rear_delay_time') | as_datetime | as_local }}


Thank You, So the GUI Time condition only evaluate time, If so is this intended?

For now, the Time condition only evaluates the time component of a datetime object… there is a warning about this in the docs (Conditions - Home Assistant)

The now time is ~ 14:40 the trigger time is after 16:25. It shouldn’t trigger. 2:40 pm is before 4:25 pm. Result should be false.

OP’s question is because it’s14:40 on the 28th, and the datetime helper is 16:25 on the 27th…

Ah, of course didn’t see the warning… Nice and big too… :relaxed:

Thank you for your help.