Date Conditional dashboards?

This year I finally started integrating a bunch of my Halloween decorations into Home Assistant using various integrations, so I created a tab on my Home dashboard to control them, as well as keep an eye on states. Now that Halloween is over, I don’t really want it to take up space in the tabs, so I’m wondering if it’s possible to make it conditionally visible based on a date range. For example, on October 1st, the dashboard tab should be enabled. Then, on November 5th, it should disappear until next year.

If it’s not possible to do natively in the yaml config of the dashboard, would it be possible to create a dashboard with an automation or script within HA?


The easy way… you could a make boolean called halloween. And when its on the card is displayed on the dashboard.

I get how to do it for a card on a dashboard, but I’m talking about a whole dashboard. Is it possible to do with that as well?

The only way I can think of remove it from the tabs without actually moving it, is to change it to a Subview… but, I don’t know if it’s possible to switch that via automation.