Date-picker in history/logbook respect locale

Right now, the week always starts on Sunday.

This is very unusual. AFAIK there is only one country that thinks god rested first and then created the world, the universe and everything in it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It would be great if this could also follow the language settings of the user.

Good one, I never noticed.
Now, is it a FR or a Bug? :thinking:

Good question. I’m not sure.
It’s not really broken, so… :thinking:

ISO defines Monday as first day of the week, so, if anything, that should be the default.
I decided it was a bug :slight_smile:

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Am I crazy or did this sometime extend to all date-pickers?
Right now I have the same issue with input_datetime.
AFAIR this was originally just limited to logbook and history.

I assume the same date picker is used everywhere, nowadays.

Touchy, btw. Proponents of Sunday seem to want to deny ISO 8601 existence.
Nearly got banned because I maintained it is an issue, while some want it to be a “feature request to implement locale”, i.e. basically “don’t touch it unless I can put it back to Sunday”.

OMG, this is crazy… :open_mouth:

But with locale all cultures are respected, the lazy ones that rest before considering to work, and the rest of the world :smiley: