Hello fellow smarthomers
I have an automation that sends a notification to my phone with the outdoor temperature and weather in the morning. I would like to add day of the week and date. I have this code in the message:
message: {{ now().strftime('%A %d %B') }}: Det er {{ states('sensor.ute_temperatur') }} grader og {{
states('sensor.current_weather') }} ute
This gives me the right output, except the day and date is in English. I would like it to be in Norwegian. The sensor.current_weather output is in Norwegian.
Is there a way to achieve this?
Unfortunately it did not work. The code looks like this now:
message: >-
message: {% set days = { "Friday": "Something", "Saturday": "Something else"} %}
{% set months = { "December": "Something", "January": "Something else"} %}
{{ days[now().strftime('%A')] }} {{ now().strftime('%d') }} {{ months[now().strftime('%B')] }} Det er {{ states('sensor.ute_temperatur') }} grader og {{ states('sensor.current_weather') }} ute
action: notify.mobile_app_fredrik_telefon
But I get the same result. Day and month is in English. I would expect it to say Something 13 Something But I noticed the color of set days is black, while set months is yellow in the code.