alias: Bin Collection Notification
description: Text to say which Bin needs to go out
- platform: time
at: "19:00:00"
- condition: time
- mon
- service: notify.all_ios_devices
title: Bin Reminder
message: Remember to put out the {{states('sensor.bincollection')}}
I’m trying to get this simple script to run, but as soon as I added the day of week condition to it, it stopped working. I have looked at the various threads and according to what I have seen in examples this should work, but it doesn’t. What have I done wrong ?
Reading the condition’s documentation it is not clear to me, whether the absence of before: and after: implies “the whole day”. Could also result in ‘00:00:00’ exactly.
Either you use the recommended workday sensor condition or add after: '00:00:00', so it will span the entire (Mon)day.