Daylight saving time and statistical evaluation

The statistical evaluation seems a little overwhelmed with the automatic winter time changeover.

Another reason why this should be abolished…

After a restart this morning, everything is working again.


My installation crashed during the night. Never happened before. I think it has something to do with the daylight saving time.

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You are right. Not only the statistical evaluation is/was affected. All sensors have stopped.

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Same here. All sensors stopped around 2am when BST ended. A restart fixed it.

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+1 here as well…

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I also had this problem. Couldn’t figure out why statistics were all messed up, till I saw every graph crashed at DST change.

It’s my first year having a running installation so I don’t know if it’s normal or whether or not to open a bug report.

I don’t remember similar problems in the spring. In my opinion, the reason is the statistical sensor evaluations that have been added since mid-2021.
The error will probably have occurred with all “newer” installations. Therefore probably also with the developers :slight_smile:

It would be interesting to know if anyone with an installation >2021.9 had NO problems.

There is already a bug report open and no, it’s not normal.