DB and PI 4 questions

I have few questions that I like to validate the answers, before spending long hours and money to do.

I finally have RPI 3B+ runnign from SSD… which is prety cool considering the age of SD is very short for HASS.

it runs but kind of slow, many sensors generate “took too long to update” …

Q1: does it worth it to upgrade to PI 4, or should I switch to VBox? did anybody do the upgrade notice a worthy change in speed ?

as well i am starting to think of the benefits to switch to DB server as opposed to the built in DB.

Q2: what are the benefits of switching to DB server ? if the verdict is a go, the options I have

  1. NAS with raid0 on HD, running MY SQL
  2. Maria DB or influx addons on HASS (on SSD)

the goal to store history for 2 years min … yes 2 years :slight_smile: to be able to establish real trends.

and final question is:

Q3: is it possible to edit the integration manually inside HASS, I have been trying to locate the files of the new insteon integration to increase the timeout window, but can’t find where the files are stored

any insights are highly appreciated