DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Tuya device? Had it too, its probably a bug in the tuya integration

But I already wrote you that this wouldn’t work, whenever the device is refreshed the added device_class is removed…

Then template the sensor :slight_smile:

Been setting this up tonight. Got to say I love it!

Once the ability to move custom cards around this will be perfect for me. I will be missing some stuff until then but have enough to be getting on with. Amazing work this mate.

The only thing I can find in the logs is this:

2022-05-19 07:07:13 WARNING (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration dwains_dashboard which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant

I tested again and each time I restart DD is gone and OI have to manually add the integration.

In Home Assistant you can define “users” and “persons” they are different. DD3 uses the person. just remove the Person from HA. (or add the “person.McHAAdmin” Entity to a room, and then disable for DD3 in the person entity)


Any ideas why my motion sensors show up as a switch?


Ive just seen this but the Hue Motion sensor still does not fit in any of those categories. Can this list be changed at all?


So I have Tado TRV and the battery in these does not report a numeric value from 0 to 100 rather. It is either Off or On. Now in an older dashboard setup I was using a Battery card but with Dwains I am trying to standardise on the gauge for batteries. Now the code I did have was below. Anyone know how I can get this to work with a gauge card?

-entity: binary_sensor.va3886818048_battery_state
    name: Dining Room Thermometer
      - from: 'off'
        to: 100
      - from: 'on'
        to: 25

Hi @dwains,

Although your new DD3.1x offers more flexibility, i rather still use DD2.07 because i like the minimalistic look of it and everything is shown the way i like it. But lately when i open the HA app and get the DD2.07 screen, I always need to swipe down the screen on my iPhone/iPad (or refresh on my Mac) to get all information. Otherwise i get the screen below:

Can you please tell me what to do to make it refresh automatically when I open the app, so i see the dashboard right away? Does it need extra settings?

Is there a way to log a bug on this? Using DD becomes almost impossible if the integration has to be re-added after each restart. I have no problems with any of the other integrations.

Hi Dwain, what do you mean by this? Are you saying Apex cards don’t work in DD? Are you saying camera streams don’t work in DD?

What theme are you using? Looks really cool :slight_smile:

@dwains Thank you for all of the fixes you have included in version 3.1. You have done such a great job and have made creating dashboards much easier!! Earlier you fixed “automations” that were showing as “unknown” in the device listing. Can you do the same for “scripts”. Please see the attached photo. Essentially it is doing the same thing. Thank you for everything you have done to help us all with your talents!!

Also, is it possible to have the welcome clock be a 12 hour am/ pm clock rather than a 24 hour clock (or give a selection of either) Thank you!!!

Kibibit via Hacs, easy to change as well

I’m getting a new error on the dwains dashboard:
while scanning for the next token found character ‘%’ that cannot start any token in “/config/custom_components/dwains_dashboard/lovelace/views/04.more_page_view.yaml”, line 4, column 2

I think it’s because i’m using lovelace_gen,
Is there any to make those 2 custom_components work together at the same time (on different dashboards)?

Just disable or remove lovelace_gen :slight_smile: DD will take care of it.

I need lovelace gen for my floor plan dashboard,
I can’t disable\remove it.

I thought it’s enabled (lovelace gen) only for the files that have “# lovelace_gen” as the 1st line,
Why is it affecting DD?

As I said you can disable lovelace_gen, DD will make it work, even for # lovelace_gen files no worries.

Ohh wow it worked, thanks!

From tech side, how does my lovelace gen files are working with the lovelace gen disabled?
Does DD also get in between and run before the lovelace yaml parser starts and “calculate” the jinja2 the templates?

can womeone show me this feature please :slight_smile:

Added an option in the Global settings popup to go back to Dwains Dashboard v2 layout if you prefer that. So all pages 100% full width.

That was my only reason NOT to change to v3 but if this now works… I would change but i would like to see this in action before swapping :stuck_out_tongue:

Wondering if anyone might be able to answer this in case there is something simple im missing here.

I have a bunch of input booleans which i use to override my motion sensors in each room. I then have them all part of a group which i can use to show all the entities in a single pop up when viewing the group and turn them on / off easily. As far as i can see in HA, you cant create a unique_id for a group, which allows you to then add it to an area. As far as i can also see, you cant add entities into Dwains Dashboard unless they are part of an area? Is that correct or is there a way to add something that isnt assigned to an area? I basically want to show my group which contains all my input booleans as a favorite in Dwains Dashboard. Would anyone know the best way to do that?