DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Hi Dwain,

Is there a possibility to copy (parts of) the default layout of the dashboard to base a second page on it? For example I would like to have a main page that shows notifications, who’s home or away, the video doorbell, info on solar panels and maybe some news. So pretty much the default page, but then without all rooms.

type: vertical-stack
  - type: entities
      - entity: binary_sensor.back_door_contact_sensor
      - entity: binary_sensor.front_door_contact_sensor
      - entity: binary_sensor.garage_entry_door_contact_sensor
    title: Door Sensors
    state_color: true
  - type: alarm-panel
      - arm_home
      - arm_away
      - arm_night
    entity: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
    name: Home Alarm
  - type: entities
      - entity: binary_sensor.front_porch_motion_sensor
      - entity: binary_sensor.back_porch_motion_sensor
    title: Motion Sensors
  - type: glance
      - entity: sensor.disk_use_percent
      - entity: sensor.disk_free
      - entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
      - entity: sensor.memory_free
      - entity: sensor.load_5m
      - entity: sensor.processor_use
      - entity: sensor.processor_temperature
      - entity: sensor.last_boot
    columns: 8

Thank you dwains. The above ended up working. yaml is a nightmare I have learned. Thank you so much for your help!! Very happy!

Awesome :slight_smile: Glad it is working now

Hi there, a fantastic piece of work, thank you for version 3! Just started playing with it after having used v2 for quite a while and I am wondering whether templates can be used in the blueprints?

I previously had a popup card for doors/windows binary sensors that would use 2 cards (logbook and gauge) and a bit of template code to modify the variable in order to replace the entity “binary_sensor.terrace_door_sensor” (used for the logbook card) with the entity “sensor.terrace_door_sensor_battery_level” (used for the gauge card). This would allow me to use the same variable for 2 different purposes/cards. But I get an entity error - see screenshot (which very much could be me making a silly mistake somewhere that I haven’t noticed…). I tested the template code in the Developer Code section of HA and it works. What am I missing?

Here the blueprint:

  - logbook-card
  description: Replaces entity popup card with door status history by Jeroen Klompen
  name: Replace entity popup door card
  type: replace-card
  version: 1.0.0
  - cards:
    - entity: $replace_with_input_entity$  # = entity: binary_sensor.terrace_door_sensor
      max_items: 6
        color: black
        style: dashed
        end_date: false
        start_date: true
      - icon: fas:door-open
        value: 'on'
      - icon: fas:door-closed
        value: 'off'
      - icon: mdi:alert-circle
        value: unavailable
      style: "ha-card {\n  box-shadow: none;\n}\n"
      title: ' '
      type: custom:logbook-card
    - entity: '{{ "$replace_with_input_entity$"|replace("binary_", "") }}_battery_level' # = supposed to become entity: binary_sensor.terrace_door_sensor_battery_level
      max: 100
      min: 0
      name: Sensor Battery Status
      needle: true
        green: 60
        red: 1
        yellow: 30
      type: gauge
    type: vertical-stack
  items_classes: col-xs-12
  type: custom:dwains-flexbox-card

Thanks a lot for helping me out.

Ok… I just went to the “devices” tab and hid all of the devices. Now I just get a blank page and no button to “unhide” them… what do I do? :sweat_smile:

And one more question: actually, i’d like to fully disable/hide the “devices” tab. I only want the “Home” tab and the other pages I create on the “more” tab. Is it possible?

For now this is currently not possible unfortunately.

Try removing or editing the devices.yaml file in the config folder. Here it says all hidden: true so set one to false or remove it to show again one device.

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Thank you for letting me know, @dwains! For sure would be very cool if this could be added in one of the next version updates :wink:

Thanks! That worked!!!
Is there a way to remove the “devices” tab altogether?

I really like the dashboard, still working to get wife approval, that’s for another day.

I do have one issue and it may have been covered, but I can’t find it. I use alarmo with arm away and arm night enabled. The alarm keypad card on dd shows arm home and arm away. Arm home is an option in alarmo, but I don’t use it. Is it possible to change the card to use arm night?

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Yes in devices → alarm control panel you can find your alarms then adjust the popup card with own card of choise.

Doesn’t DD support ha-floorplan as a new page?

When I use my ha-floorplan as a new card on a room that alread exists, it works fine. But if I try to use the custom:floorplan-card card in a new page, the page doesn’t show up. When I click on tab of this new page, it simply shows up the “home” page. Am I doing anything wrong?

Here’s a simple example of the florplan-card I am using:

  image: /local/path-to-floorplan/floorplan.svg
  stylesheet: /local/path-to-floorplan/simple.css
type: custom:floorplan-card

Thanks in advance.

Try rebooting HA after you create the page.

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NICE! It worked! :+1:

Thanks Dwain. I ended up doing this by creating a template sensor entity to show the number of booleans that are turned on, added that to the favourites bar and then added a custom pop up for it to show all the individual entities, but the template sensor i created is showing as a graph. Is there a way to make a card not show as a graph. All i want it to show is the number of entities on in a plain button. Unless maybe there is a different way of creating an entity to show the number of other entities that are on?


  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Motion Sensor Overides
        unique_id: motion_sensor_overrides_id
        unit_of_measurement: 'On'
        value_template: > 
          {% set overrides = [

                ] %}
          {{ overrides | selectattr('state','eq','on') | list | count }}

Can u share your theme file? Or is it from hacs? name? :slight_smile: thanks looks great

Hi, thank you for this great dashboard. I am trying to configure all my entities. I had a few switches that I changed to lights/fans/covers with the “Change device type of a switch (helper)” but they are now showing as duplicates on the dashboard as both a switch and another entity. I posted an example below.

When I go into the switches section in the device page, the switch does not show there but shows in the corresponding page (e.g. in the example below it’ll show in the fans section but not the switches).

Is there any way to get this show correctly? Thank you.



@dwains Hi! Im trying to use icons for the roooms with codes from this site: https://emojipedia.org
But when i try to use it the room gets no icon. Is it possible to fix? or am i doing something wrong? i see the icon in the select icon list but not after i press “accept/send in”


is it possible to change background color ONLY here ? :slight_smile:

And is it possible to move the bar to the top? ( tablet )

Hi Dwain

Great stuff your dashboard, many thanks!

In one of my rooms I have multiple humidity sensors. Is there a way to control which one is used for the room card?

I woud like to use the red marked one but the blue one is used by default.
Many thanks for your help.

Is there a way to move the chips cards up?

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