DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Did you restart HA after you install the Blueprint?
If yes, you can copy this code in a file in the /config/dwains-dashboard/button_card_templates/blueprints/ directory and restart HA. The name of the file can be what you want,

  show_icon: false
    - box-shadow: none
    - padding: 6px 0 0 0
    - background: transparent
    - width: 90px
    - font-weight: bold
    - justify-self: start
    - font-size: 16px
    - padding-left: 1px
  show_icon: false
    - box-shadow: none
    - padding: 6px 0 0 0
    - background: transparent
    - height: 59px

Thanks I’ll try that. I need to create both of these directories /button_card_templates/blueprints/ since they don’t exist.

That worked but isn’t that the same code at the end blueprint. Why did it get it from there?


I have the same problem.
Hidden switch tasmota entity changed from switch->light appear in switch summary on the home page.
I can’t “see” the system hidden entity in the DD. It is visible only in summary on the home page.

I found solution

I edited entities.ywam file and added:

hidden: false
disabled: true

for changed from switch->light item.

Normally the code at the end of the blueprint is automatically added to the dwains-dashboard/button_card_templates/blueprints/ directory and removed from the file when adding the blueprint the normal way. As this function has a problem, you had to add the blueprint manually, that’s why the code is still there. If this causes you a problem. you can remove it with no problem. Hopefully Dwains will have time to fix this issue soon.

1 Like

hi, how can i double click like 2 pictures below? Thanks.


IDK what happened but the blueprint box showed up for a min and after a restart disappeared.

Why are the card over each other in edit mode?
I can’t move them or edit them. Only the bottom cards show the 3 dots and the arrows to move the card. Problem shows on my phone and tablet and also on web browser. Really can’t use DD because of that.

Bottom cards only show the possibility to edit.

I’m waiting for that answer too.

1 Like

Which HA version?

Home Assistant 2023.1.2
Previous versions had the same problem

Hi everbody,

I have been playing with Dwains for 2 weeks now and pretty far in finishing up my dasboard. I only have one small thing left… On the left top corner on the homescreen, icons will appear whenever a heater of light is switched on (which is fine btw). Is there any way to give these icons a colour?
2023-01-14 08_16_50-Dwains Dashboard – Home Assistant


oh wow your dashboard looks awesome! mind sharing your config?

Dashboard on the right side bassicly contains 2 cards:

Left Card:

- alignment: center
  - card_mod:
      style: 'ha-card {

        {% if states("sun.sun") == ''above_horizon'' %}

        color: yellow;

        {%- else -%}

        color: gray;

        {%- endif %}


    entity: sun.sun
    type: entity
  - content: Sunrise  {% if states.sun.sun %} {{ (as_timestamp(states.sun.sun.attributes.next_rising))
      | timestamp_custom(('%H:%M') )}} {% endif %}
    icon: mdi:weather-sunset-up
    type: template
  - content: Sunset  {% if states.sun.sun %} {{ (as_timestamp(states.sun.sun.attributes.next_setting))
      | timestamp_custom(('%H:%M') )}} {% endif %}
    icon: mdi:weather-sunset-down
    type: template
  type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
- entity: weather.forecast_thuis
  name: Forecast Sittard
  secondary_info_attribute: humidity
  show_current: true
  show_forecast: true
  type: weather-forecast
- cards:
  - entities:
    - card_mod: null
      entity: camera.buienradar
      secondary_info: last-updated
    type: entities
  - entities:
    - entity: sensor.buienradar_precipitation
      name: Verwachting komend uur..
      secondary_info: last-updated
      state_color: false
    type: entities
  type: horizontal-stack
- entities:
  - entity: calendar.gezin
  firstDayOfWeek: 1
  maxDaysToShow: 8
  name: Agenda Gezin
  refreshInterval: 60
  showDate: true
  showWeekDay: true
  type: custom:atomic-calendar-revive
col_span: '2'
col_span_lg: '2'
col_span_xl: '2'
position: top
row_span: '1'
row_span_lg: '1'
row_span_xl: '1'
type: vertical-stack

Right side:

- alignment: center
  - card_mod:
      style: 'ha-card {

        {% if states("sensor.solaredge_current_power") == ''0.0'' %}

        color: gray;

        {%- else -%}

        color: yellow;

        {%- endif %}


    content: Live {{states("sensor.solaredge_current_power")}} watt
    icon: mdi:solar-power
    type: template
  - card_mod:
      style: 'ha-card {

        {% if states("sensor.solaredge_energy_today_kwh") > ''0'' %}

        color: yellow;

        {%- else -%}

        color: gray;

        {%- endif %}


    content: Vandaag {{states("sensor.solaredge_energy_today_kwh")}}
    icon: mdi:solar-power
    type: template
  - card_mod:
      style: 'ha-card {

        {% if states("sensor.solaredge_energy_month_kwh") > ''0'' %}

        color: yellow;

        {%- else -%}

        color: gray;

        {%- endif %}


    content: '{{[''Januari'',''Februari'',''Maard'',''April'',''Mei'',''Juni'',''Juli'',''Augustus'',''September'',''Oktober'',''November'',''December''][now().month
      - 1]}} {{states("sensor.solaredge_energy_month_kwh")}}'
    icon: mdi:solar-power
    type: template
  type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
- entities:
      consumption: sensor.smartmeter_power_consumption
      production: sensor.smartmeter_power_production
    solar: sensor.solaredge_current_power
  type: custom:power-flow-card
- cards:
  - entity: sensor.todays_power_consumption
    icon: mdi:transmission-tower-export
    icon_color: none
    primary: Afgenomen
    secondary: '{{states(''sensor.todays_power_consumption'')}} kWh'
    type: custom:mushroom-template-card
  - entity: sensor.todays_power_consumption
    icon: mdi:transmission-tower-import
    icon_color: none
    primary: Terug geleverd
    secondary: '{{states(''sensor.todays_power_production'')}} kWh'
    type: custom:mushroom-template-card
  type: horizontal-stack
- card:
    title: Volgende ophaaldata afval
    type: entities
    - entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_pmd_next
        secondary: "{% set count = states(config.entity)|int %} {% set day = state_attr(config.entity,'day')\
          \ %} {% set dagen =\n  {'Monday': 'Maandag',\n  'Tuesday': 'Dinsdag',\n\
          \  'Wednesday': 'Woensdag',\n  'Thursday': 'Donderdag',\n  'Friday': 'Vrijdag',\n\
          \  'Saturday': 'Zaterdag',\n  'Sunday': 'Zondag'} %}\n{% set dag = dagen[day]\
          \ if day in dagen else day %} {% set unit = 'Dag' if count == 1 else 'dagen'\
          \ %}\n\n{% if count < 30 %} {% set phrase = dag%}{% endif %} {{phrase}}\
          \ {% if count != 0%} (over {{count}} {{unit}}) {% endif %}\n"
        state: '{{state_attr(config.entity,''date'')}} '
        type: custom:template-entity-row
    - entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_gft_next
        secondary: "{% set count = states(config.entity)|int %} {% set day = state_attr(config.entity,'day')\
          \ %} {% set dagen =\n  {'Monday': 'Maandag',\n  'Tuesday': 'Dinsdag',\n\
          \  'Wednesday': 'Woensdag',\n  'Thursday': 'Donderdag',\n  'Friday': 'Vrijdag',\n\
          \  'Saturday': 'Zaterdag',\n  'Sunday': 'Zondag'} %}\n{% set dag = dagen[day]\
          \ if day in dagen else day %} {% set unit = 'Dag' if count == 1 else 'dagen'\
          \ %}\n\n{% if count < 30 %} {% set phrase = dag%}{% endif %} {{phrase}}\
          \ {% if count != 0%} (over {{count}} {{unit}}) {% endif %}\n"
        state: '{{state_attr(config.entity,''date'')}} '
        type: custom:template-entity-row
    - entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_papier_next
        secondary: "{% set count = states(config.entity)|int %} {% set day = state_attr(config.entity,'day')\
          \ %} {% set dagen =\n  {'Monday': 'Maandag',\n  'Tuesday': 'Dinsdag',\n\
          \  'Wednesday': 'Woensdag',\n  'Thursday': 'Donderdag',\n  'Friday': 'Vrijdag',\n\
          \  'Saturday': 'Zaterdag',\n  'Sunday': 'Zondag'} %}\n{% set dag = dagen[day]\
          \ if day in dagen else day %} {% set unit = 'Dag' if count == 1 else 'dagen'\
          \ %}\n\n{% if count < 30 %} {% set phrase = dag%}{% endif %} {{phrase}}\
          \ {% if count != 0%} (over {{count}} {{unit}}) {% endif %}\n"
        state: '{{state_attr(config.entity,''date'')}} '
        type: custom:template-entity-row
    - entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_restafval_next
        secondary: "{% set count = states(config.entity)|int %} {% set day = state_attr(config.entity,'day')\
          \ %} {% set dagen =\n  {'Monday': 'Maandag',\n  'Tuesday': 'Dinsdag',\n\
          \  'Wednesday': 'Woensdag',\n  'Thursday': 'Donderdag',\n  'Friday': 'Vrijdag',\n\
          \  'Saturday': 'Zaterdag',\n  'Sunday': 'Zondag'} %}\n{% set dag = dagen[day]\
          \ if day in dagen else day %} {% set unit = 'Dag' if count == 1 else 'dagen'\
          \ %}\n\n{% if count < 30 %} {% set phrase = dag%}{% endif %} {{phrase}}\
          \ {% if count != 0%} (over {{count}} {{unit}}) {% endif %}\n"
        state: '{{state_attr(config.entity,''date'')}} '
        type: custom:template-entity-row
    method: state
    numeric: true
  type: custom:auto-entities
col_span: '2'
col_span_lg: '2'
col_span_xl: '2'
position: top
row_span: '1'
row_span_lg: '1'
row_span_xl: '1'
type: vertical-stack

On the left part the code for my favorites is:

type: horizontal-stack
  - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
    primary: |2-
       {% if states("input_boolean.washing") == "on" %}
                {% elif states("input_boolean.washing_off") == "on" %}
                Staat uit
                {% elif states("input_boolean.washing_off") == "off" %}
                {% endif %}
    secondary: ''
    icon: |-
      {% if states("input_boolean.washing_off") == "on" %} 
                {% else %}
                {% endif %}
    icon_color: |-
      {% if states("input_boolean.washing") == "on" %}
      {% elif states("input_boolean.washing_off") == "off" %}
                {% else %}
                {% endif %}
      style: |
        ha-card { 
          width: 150px;
          lenght: 500px;
          min-height: 79px;
          border-radius: 20px;
          margin-bottom: 1px;
          --icon-symbol-size: 55px}
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
          - type: entity
            entity: scene.home
              action: call-service
              service: scene.turn_on
              data: {}
                entity_id: scene.home
            content_info: none
          - type: entity
            entity: scene.away
            content_info: none
              action: call-service
              service: scene.turn_on
              data: {}
                entity_id: scene.away
          - type: template
            icon: mdi:palm-tree
            entity: input_boolean.vacation
            icon_color: |-
              {% set state=states('input_boolean.vacation') %}
                {% if state=='off' %}
                {% elif state=='on' %}
                {% else %}
                {% endif %}
              action: toggle
        alignment: end
      - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
          - type: light
            entity: light.all_lights
            use_light_color: false
              action: toggle
          - type: template
            icon: mdi:radiator
            entity: climate.all_radiators
            content: '{{states("climate.all_radiators")}}'
              action: call-service
              service: climate.turn_off
              data: {}
                entity_id: climate.all_radiators
            icon_color: |-
              {% if states("climate.all_radiators") == "heat" %}
                        {% else %}
                        {% endif %}
        alignment: end

looks nice. But how did you change your background?

Background is a theme… GitHub - basnijholt/lovelace-ios-themes: ❤️📱🏠🤖 Themes inspired by iOS Dark ⬛️ and Light ◻️ Mode for Lovelace Home Assistant with different backgrounds by @basnijholt

1 Like

Aren’t Horizontal/Vertical Stack and Grid Card supported in this dashboard? I’m trying to add them and I only get the UI for number of columns etc. with nothing else to do (at least through the UI). If not, is there a way to add them through YAML?

It was never an option on the Dwains dashboard. You can add a normal card and modify the yaml file as you wish.