DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Hi, How can I get early access to v4? :slight_smile:


I’m using this dashboard for a long time now and I’m very happy with it (thank you Dwain).

I was only wondering if something is possible and if so, how to do it.
I’m using several power plugs (for example the washing machine) to monitor the power usage and therfore they are always switched ‘on’. To see if the are ‘on’ or ‘off’ I created a binary sensor which monitors the power usage and after a moment it turns the state.
In the ‘default’ way the power plugs were shown als plugs on the Area card:
So I disabled them but I want my binary sensors to be shown there.
Does anybody know how?

You can exclude them when its good they wont show up there.

Yes I know, but now I want somethine else to show up there with the icon of a plug. (A self created binary sensor.)

Which file did you have changed?

Uhm you need to look to make a templated switch then I believe it then should act as a ‘device’

in init.py

anybody knows how to get rid of the blue menubar?

Are there any fixes for the popups problem ?
Since 2023.4.0 they are only showing the new switch.

Hi all, tell me pls, can I change the icons in the areas to PNG images, if so, tell me how?

i want to use colored icons.

You can use this for colored Icon in DD. Install Cupertino icons from HACS and I added colored icons from the Free SVG site. Add the icon in this directory /config/custom_components/cupertino/data/ios. https://freesvg.org/

thanks, I tried, put a colored svg, but it is not colored on the button(

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Did you follow the instructions for having colored icons.

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great! it’s work

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is this only for apple users?

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No, it should work for everyone.

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oke thanks.
It is not working for me.
I did install, restart and add integration. But no result.
I do see the directory at custom_components
than I changed one off the area symbols with a iso:xxxxxxx from the data directory
result is a black picture

EDIT: it is working. I was to impatient

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Just installed DD and I’m wondering how I can do something as simple as adding a background image to a dashboard?

I try to edit in the UI and I get an error - ‘The edit UI is not available when in YAML mode.’

I can’t find a .yaml/.js/.css file to edit to add the background image.

How to have the Menu in DD 3.4.3 at the page bottom, as it’s shows in the official screenshots (tablet)


This has probably been discussed before but I havent been able to find it. This is for me a bit tricky. I want to make Modes for Home, Away, Night and Vacation. Is there an easy way to do so? I have tried to do this myself but I am not very good at this. For now I have done several things. I have made the modes. In my configuration.yaml I have made a line for including input boolean,yaml wich I have placed in the config folder. I have also put a modes.yaml in my config folder as well. In dwains dashboard I have lines for input boolean and the modes with name, icon,initial:off and internal:false,

And in dwains dashboard ui-lovelace I have added some lines with .title: modes with cards, etc etc. But this havent doen the trick so far, anyone who if this is possible could give me a hint?7

Br Freddy

Hey all together,

I want to use the Person PopUp Blueprint as Pop Up. I can configure it, but it only shows as normal Entity Card. As PopUp it still shows the default PopUp.

Does anybody have the same Problem or knows a solution for it?
