DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

No Long Weekend here is NSW :frowning:

The documentation is non-existant and I’ll probably upload a few more times over the weekend but here it is:

your turn @jimpower, especially considering there are now excuses with a long weekend :wink:


haha well played sir

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@jimpower @bacco007 You 2 guys rock my theme, and remember it’s in his child shoes. With the power of the HA community we can build great stuff :smiley: as for example the awesome addons people are making like you two are.

You both guys need to update your readme.md in github with some new screenshots of Dwains Theme :smiley: :smiling_imp:


dude have you seen my readme.md I’ll get there I promise I just want to make sure I have everything on point inclding awesome docs to save the million questions coming our way.


It was not serious :smiley: but its a honor that you use my theme :smiley:

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I am trying to add a custom card to more pages but it constantly reports: “Custom element does not exist”. The card js I have placed at www/custom_cards/icloud3-event-log-card.js

This is the custom_resource file:

- url: /local/custom_cards/icloud3-event-log-card.js
  type: js

And the pages.yaml:

- type: "custom:icloud3-event-log-card"
  entity: sensor.icloud3_event_log
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Ok… so the documentation is excellent, but… :wink:

This bit confuses me:

I see later that the homeassistant section makes allowances for adding back what you already have for that section but I also already have lovelace: , frontend: and lovelace_gen:. Why can’t I leave them where they are?

What if I decide not to use Dwains Theme? I’ll have to remember to put them back in my configuration.yaml

I’m just wondering if these docs have been written as though this was being added to a nearly new install and I can ignore that bit? But then it says “This is very important.”.

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Did you checked your browser log console? Did you double check your cards are loaded? This is mostly a default HA thing and many times not related to Dwains Theme. Otherwise join my Discord for support.

Correct, you can add a # before them so you comment them out, so you dont forget to put them back if you want to remove my theme in the end. But my theme controls your homeassistant: lovelace: frontend: and lovelace_gen variables. So if you have them yourself also in the config they will override my theme config and then my theme won’t work. Otherwise join my Discord for support.

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After restarting HA and computer a couple of hours later the card works… Maybe some caching issue…

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I really need to catch @jimpower’s enthusiasm for documentation - but I’ve thrown a couple of screenshots up, will get more up soon


I had a look at your repo yesterday, love how you use drop down lists for stuff will be pinching some of your markdown techniques.


I use this custom component to generate my Readme - allows me to add some stats automatically


Wish this existed 2 years ago, killer, looks like I’ll be rewriting my whole readme.md great there goes a month. It needs an update anyways. Might just archive some info in there as others may still find it helpful. :fireworks: :memo: :fireworks: :exploding_head:

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Hi Let me say again how good this theme is :).
Can somebody help me with the Dwains theme addons?
I am running the newest version of Home assitant and HACS.

Whichever addon I setup I get the same error in Home assistant.
Example with unifi addon…

mapping values are not allowed here in “/config/dwains-theme/addons/more_page/ubiquiti/unifi.yaml”, line 117, column 73

The Line in question is:

 <span class="progress-pjax-loader-bar top-0 left-0" style="width: 0%;"></span>

Am I missing a plugin?

Thanks in advance

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Your theme is the best I’ve seen for HA. It’s easy to install and configure. Everything is working great except for I can´t see the media players playing on the homepage. How can I do that?


Do you see them in the rooms?

You need to ask @rubendijk for that, you maybe want to join my discord he is on there.

Yes, I can see all my chromecasts in the rooms.

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Howzit Dwains

Loving this theme. Busy migrating my dashboard over to this :slight_smile: Excellent job on this. a quick question,

The “No Notifications”, what information pulls through here. The windows status works fine, but is there any reason why it is not showing open doors? Also should one be able to see more-info on them?

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