DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

yeah, oops… I went to .110 and not so great… I don’t normally use many customizations, so I was in the habit of always staying current, never liked getting too far behind, so lots of small tweaks instead of a long weekend with changes, but I guess I have to be more careful if using a custom theme

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The more I played with it the worse I realized it was, it’s not just icons, but the dialogs are off, lights don’t show up at all in some areas, on mobile no footer or header, so you can’t navigate…

I would not upgrade for sure, it’s not usable, now I’m trying to figure out if I should downgrade or try to get my old original theme back and switch away…

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@dwains, I fixed button-card on my end to support >= 0.110, I know you use them in your theme. So that’s a start :slight_smile:


As mentioned the theme currently doesn’t work on HA 0.110. It’s not just my theme but mostly third party plugins which don’t work (yet) on 110. As I told earlier the updates of HA are really fast and with a lot of breaking changes on each update, mostly us developers spend our spare time on these things (like me on this theme) and don’t got 24/7 time to stay up to date with all the latest changes and we also need some time to do our part of the job to update the stuff when there are breaking changes :slight_smile: Mostly (all last months) it’s some time between 2 - 10 days that stuff is fixed and also the 0. * .0 are also mostly bugged and most people only update to a new version when 0. * .1 or 0. * .2 is out.

If it bothers you I would suggest personally to use a own lovelace dashboard without any third party plugins or wait some days :smiley:

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Sorry if I came across as complaining, not at all, just a warning for others

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No problem :smiley: It’s just really a lot of work and it takes some time :smiley:

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how can i add multiple lights which works on press?
i added under more entities and it is opening history window on press , but does not change entity value, i would like to have multiple lights buttons in one page

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Put those lights into a light group

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can show an example?

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this is common group…

I meant settings for Dwains…

and i use switch for lights …
does it mean i need to put one group inside ? so basically no way to put 2 groups or more?

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Do you want to be able to turn off multiple lights with one switch or add more lights to this view?

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When you meant switches, you talking about Shelly’s, gang, xiaomi plugs?
what I’ve done here is to make a template to all switches that turn on lights be a light entity.
then i grouped.
Should be the best approach.

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These links might also be handy:

Converting a switch into a light entity: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/light.switch/
Making a group and add multiple light entities inside it: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/group/
Converting multiple lights into 1 new light entity: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/light.group/

Notice the difference between all 3 links.

You can add only 1 entity or a group to a room in my theme, but a group can also have a other group inside.


dawins, how can I get the status of the cover entity in your theme?
At the moment it’s ‘Open undefined%’
I use Somfy with rfy (rfxcom) and I get the open\close status with a Xiaomi Contact Sensor.


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For now it only supports cover entities so you would need to have an entity with that data inside.

It’s an entity, when it’s close the theme reports correctly as closed but when it’s open does it expect a percentage? The state is just “Open” (and the opposite is “Closed”).
I wonder what is the “undefined%”

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Can you show me an screenshot or a log of the entity attributes in developer tools -> states.

I did the upgrade to 0.110 which broke stuff in the theme as mentioned above. Anyway i downgraded using ha core update --version command but still having issues with icons and things on the theme. Any idea on what I need to look at with the theme before i restore all the core files?



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Did you try clearing your browser cache?

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