DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

If I understated your question, the answer is Yes. I still have my former dashboard AND the Dwain’s Theme dashboard. Once I get it tweaked to my satisfaction, I’m going to make Dwain’s my default.

But I don’t know enough about HA to say if you can specify different default dashboards per client device, but that’s more of a general HA / Lovelace question I believe.

Yes this is possible. You can select your dashboard in your profile settings

How can I set this as the default dashboard for all users on all devices?

Just follow the installation steps.


I can’t see anything related to setting it as the default

You can set the default theme when you click bottom left on your profile icon.

I’m trying to work around the limitation of the the theme not supporting switches by using devices instead.

But if I have more than one ‘device’ in a room, do I need to create a device group in order for them to be displayed correctly? I seem to be getting inconsistent results with the approaches I’ve tried.

As an aside, I’ve been doing the same for some key sensors (like my basement flood detector or ‘care in garage’ presence detector), which results in icons that just yield non-fatal errors when ‘clicked’. I will need to figure out if there is a better way to handle status-only sensors.

I’m wanting to set it as the default for all users, even ones I haven’t created yet. I think it is a limitation in home assistant that you cant set a system wide default

Hi, excellent theme. Just one question. The black header background on the starting page does not have rounded corners at the bottom. What am I doing wrong? =)

EDIT: Found it and edited myself in the 01.hompage.yaml.
Changed border radius to these values instead. =)
border-radius: 0px 0px 20px 20px; (Was only 0 before. Now the bottom corners are rounded.)

Hi, thank you. Yes some screenshots are from the first version which had rounded bottom corners on the homepage. I removed this in a future update to make it more consistent with the header on all other pages. (Yeah I need to update those screenshots in the topic start post xD)

Just wondering if someone might know the answer to this. Just started using this theme and loving it so far. Its working great on desktop but currently on android (in browser and in app) its just freezing with a blank screen or partially loading and freezing when trying to access the UI.

The only error I am getting is for a brief moment “custom element doesn’t exist: dwains-flexbox-card”

Did you try clearing your cache? Mostly this is a cache issue on your mobile phone.

I cleared cache in browser and also reset the HA app

Edit: Ignore me its working now magically. Dunno what I did haha!

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Great :smiley:


Hello! Can you share your code for those notifications? Thanks :slight_smile:

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Sure, but I only use default things here.

## begin afval_beheer ##

- platform: afvalbeheer
  wastecollector: MijnAfvalwijzer
    - restafval
    - gft
  postcode: !secret afvalbeheer_postcode
  streetnumber: !secret afvalbeheer_huisnummer
  upcomingsensor: 1
  dateformat: '%d-%m-%Y'
  dateonly: 0
  dateobject: 0
  name: 'afvalbeheer'
  nameprefix: 0
  builtinicons: 0
  disableicons: 0
  dutch: 0

- id: Notify_garbage_today_Dwains_theme
  alias: Notify garbage today Dwains theme
    - platform: time
      at: '00:02:00'
    condition: or
      - condition: state
        entity_id: sensor.afvalbeheer_vandaag
        state: 'restafval'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: sensor.afvalbeheer_vandaag
        state: 'gft'
    - service: dwains_theme.notification_create
        message: You have to put the {{ states('sensor.afvalbeheer_vandaag') }} bin out today.
        notification_id: garbage
    - service: notify.telegram_bastiaan
        message: "Je moet het {{ states('sensor.afvalbeheer_vandaag') }} buiten zetten!"

- id: Notify_garbage_tomorrow_Dwains_theme
  alias: Notify garbage tomorrow Dwains theme
    - platform: time
      at: '00:02:00'
    condition: or
      - condition: state
        entity_id: sensor.afvalbeheer_morgen
        state: 'restafval'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: sensor.afvalbeheer_morgen
        state: 'gft'
    - service: dwains_theme.notification_create
        message: You have to put the {{ states('sensor.afvalbeheer_morgen') }} bin out tomorrow.
        notification_id: garbage

- id: notify_dismiss_garbage_dwains_theme
  alias: Notify dismiss garbage Dwains theme
  - at: '23:58:00'
    platform: time
  - service: dwains_theme.notification_dismiss
      notification_id: garbage

## end afval_beheer ##

Thank you!
Unfortunately I live in Italy, so this won’t work in my setup :smiley:

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Guys, need some help here.

First of all I want to tank you @dwains for this incredible theme.
I tried a lot of custom cards and other UI posted here in the community.
This one is the only one very close to the “Plug and Play” solution. I love it.

Here my question:
Is there a way to use my devices as buttons (like the lights)?
I don’t like too much this screen:

Is that the normal behavior of this theme, or did I wrong domething?

EDIT: One more question. Is that possible to add more “dynamic page”?

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First of all great work and keep it up.
What i would like for the global page that i can see my solar and power use at a glance, is this possible?

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This pr may fix it for you if it’s a switch or light.

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