DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

It’s working great. Thanks for all your hard work!

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really easy to use. best ui for smart home atm.

love it!!

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Working beautifully. Thanks for all the hard work. Setup was fairly simple.

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I have it installed and love it…

Donation coming your way… Thanks for all the hard work…

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Before I log an issue, I thought I’d check if anyone else is not seeing the motion icon?
When I click all the way through to the motion device entity the icon shows, but not at the room level.
At the room level I can see the Motion lable and how long ago it was triggered.

It must work the icon on motion is mdi:motion-sensor, maybe you can come on Slack do discuss this or open a Github Issue?

Thanks, But I got several problems.

  • After installation, hacs doesn’t work anymore
  • I got in the header, only good afternoon, no picture, no weather information, no person information
  • Can you point me to find the icons used for livingroom, bedroom? (all icons are keys, and in several screenshots, I see several persons use the same icon for living)
  • How to add Nest Protect eg to my living room?

Anyone have a better example of using the addons?

I’m trying to pull a sensor value (like battery value) on a person view in a gauge card (or any card type). All of the examples on GitHub use the same room add-on code, and doesn’t include any entity data.

I’m not sure what the problems exactly are without any error log information. On my docs is a page on how to work with the icons.

For the other things I would like to invite you on our Slack channel so I can give you personal support there.

As you might have read in the documentation you can use persons addons.

You can do something like this (example):

  - name: Dwain
    track: person.dwain
    picture_path: 'dwains-theme/images/persons/dwain.jpg'
      - name: Mobile info
        icon: fas:chart-area
        path: 'yourpersonalfolder/addons/persons/mobile-info/page.yaml'
          battery_level: sensor.battery_level_iphone

And then create that file yourpersonalfolder/addons/persons/mobile-info/page.yaml with content:

# dwains_theme

- type: entities
    - {{ (data | fromjson)['battery_level'] }}

Allright I’m in the dutch slack

when you say “Go to the root of your Home Assistant installation.” and “Copy the content of the downloaded folder to the root of your Home Assistant installation.” do you mean the root of the config( where eg configuration.yaml sits), or the root of hass core itself?

When people say root, they usually mean where the configuration.yaml is situated. So the root of Home Assistant. When you run Home Assistant Core there is no other root.

So I believe in this case it is where configuration.yaml lives.

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What @jimz011 said is right. With root I mean the main folder of your HA setup. So where your ui-lovelace.yaml and configuration.yaml files are.


Got my first add-on working.


Hey there,

i love this theme !

One question about the tiles. In my case there is no temperature displayed even though i configurated a climate.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-02-12 um 21.01.58 Bildschirmfoto 2020-02-12 um 21.02.11

This was posted on his github. Maybe you can follow up on this issue?

thanks for the clarification! Generally in linux applications that is just called the configuration folder or something along those lines :slight_smile: (also usually kept in /etc rather then in /home where hass does it by default :wink: )

@dwains a request for the next release: support for switches. For now we can convert switches to lights, that works, but eg. If I want to start my computer with WOL, I enable switch.wol…

On further inspection, when the motion is active it displays the icon, but when inactive it doesn’t.
I’ll log it through Github.