DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

I was going to play with this, until my computer died. Cant you add the switches under the room addons?

yes, you can, but not in a room itself, however you can use device:

I will look to make it more clearly in the docs :slight_smile:

If you have a switch which is basically a light then you can put it inside a light group or straight in light: switch.. inside rooms.yaml. But I would recommend you to convert these to a light, read more here. Future updates of my theme will pick all lights fully automatic so a switch would then be skipped.

If you have a switch for something else like for example a waterpump I recommend you to add it to device: inside rooms.yaml because it is a device.

So this is already supported in current available version of my theme.

Please open a Github issue here.

Some people come to me with some problems during the installation/setup of this theme. Now when you have a mistake in for example globals.yaml, persons.yaml or rooms.yaml like a wrong entity, the whole theme will be broken and not functional.

I’m now working hard on a update which prevents this and gives you information in your browser log what is wrong and also displays some basic information in the desired card.

For example a not working weather entity:
A wrong entered light and climate entity inside a room will give on the homepage this:
And on the room page this:

It will also display the errors where the bug is in your browser log:

Dwains Theme Error: Invalid rooms.yaml:Hallway.climate entity!
Dwains Theme Error: Invalid rooms.yaml:Hallway.light entity!

This will be available in the next update!

Hey there,

when opening the temperature entry of a room i get the following error (right of the chart with the humidity and temperature):

Bildschirmfoto 2020-02-13 um 20.13.37

do you have a hint for me?


Got it myself: in global.yaml the “outside-temp” has to be defined

This will be fixed in next version. Do you also got a weather entity defined in globals.yaml and if the answer is yes, is it darksky?

The header bar at the top of the page is missing for me. It appears on page load and disappears as the page finishes loading, also the room Icons dont always show up.

Can you share how you did this please?

Currently writing the room by room yaml. Mighty glad i was using room by room groups as this helps buckets…
Question regarding device:: how do we add multiple devices in one room?
Like this?

    device: fan.me
    device: fan.you

Maybe I missed this somewhere, but where can we find more config examples for this?

No, for now i do not have a weather .entity set.

Just create a group, like: group.fans
and in your rooms yaml file add:

1 Like

cheers for that!

I really want this to work… but!
I’m on version 1.1.1…
Am considering commenting all my rooms, but one and validate them one by one…
In the mod-card, I can see it says transparant not transparent. Normal?
Configuration is validated by Home Assistant with no issue. Can others confirm they are using V1.1.1 with no such issue?

It looks like a problem with mod-card. There are a lot of problems with it this week because of a bug in HACS. Do you have the latest version of HACS installed and the latest versions of all plugins?

Thanks for chiming in.
One thing I spotted is that the folder used in uni-lovelace.yaml was incorrect. It read /community-plugin/ rather than /community/ as per the setup from Hacs. I edited II-lovelace, then rebooted and still get the same issue…
Will try to reinstall all plugs when I get a chance. Luckily, this is a dev instance…

NB: Hacs was due an update… Doing this now!

That path is correct! It places it indeed in /community/ folder but you don’t need to use that path. The path needs to be /community-plugin/

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Changed the path back. New to Lovelace (not home assistant) and new to Hacs. Have to reinstal all plugin as they don’t show up in Hacs following upgrade…

Good day, Im getting this error in lovelace before i can restart hass:

while scanning for the next token found character ‘%’ that cannot start any token in “/config/dwains-theme/plugins/button-cards-templates/homepage/header/weather.yaml”, line 14, column 4

which refers to this bit:

      - ../../../../views/popups/weather.yaml
      - entity: '{{ _d_t_config.global["weather"] }}'
  #lets see if we can add a inside temperature
  {% if d_t_config.global["inside_temperature"] %}
  label: >
      {% if _d_t_config.global["inside_temperature"].split('.')[0] == 'sensor' %}
        return (Math.round(states['{{ _d_t_config.global["inside_temperature"] }}'].state * 10) / 10) + '° {{ _d_t_trans.climate.inside }}';
      {% elif _d_t_config.global["inside_temperature"].split('.')[0] == 'climate' %}
        return states['{{ _d_t_config.global["inside_temperature"] }}'].attributes.current_temperature + '° {{ _d_t_trans.climate.inside }}'; 
      {% else %}
        return 'NaN';
      {% endif %}
  {% else %}
  label: ' '
  {% endif %}

anybody else has come accross it?

Thank you