DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

In the folder dwains_dashboard.

I do not have a separate config folder for the “normal” installation

Its dwains-dashboard not dwains_dashboard and it is in your main HA config folder, not inside your custom_components folder…

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Thank you for your quick reply…The underscore was a typo …I do have a folder configs now…in the previous mentioned folder. Is it possible it takes some time to create the folder after restarting the server ? After all…I can continue now and try to create a good looking dashboard

Awesome :smiley: it will automatic be created when you add DD as an integration.

I would like to have a “more-page”-yaml in the main navigation bar but it does not appear.

# https://dwainscheeren.github.io/dwains-lovelace-dashboard/configuration/more_page.html

#     - name: Hello more page
#       icon: mdi:chart-bar
#       path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/more_page/hello-more-page/page.yaml'
#       data:
#         some_data: 'This is some data parsed.'
#         some_other_data: 'and some other data.'
    - name: Weather
      main_menu: 'true' 
      #Show this addon in the main navigation bar!
      icon: fas:cloud-sun-rain
      path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/more_page/weather/page.yaml'!

Its in your menu but your icon doesnt seem to work. Try a mdi icon instead.

Thanks again. The icon line came with the instructions of the the weather add-on. So I assumed it was part of one of the icon packs that should be pre-installed.

I will make a note of it :slight_smile: So it works now?

I commented the icon line for now. Will search for a nice icon later

How do you install the calendar in house information?

I followed the steps and the calendar is not popping up in the house information?
on the page.yaml i have a error.

sorry for the poor language! i’m from Belgium.

@dwains hi!
I have 4 rooms with screens (cover entities). I can only get a slider for the position, as opposed to an up^ or down button per room. Is there a way to fix this?

man this dash is sweet, I have a tv remote set up on my main Lovelace that I would like to add to my living room page in your dashboard, what’s the best way to do it? I tried to do page add-on but its a blank page

the card as running now on my main dash is this

  - cards:
      - cards:
          - entity: switch.hisense_tv
              action: more-info
            name: ON/OFF
            show_icon: true
            show_name: true
            show_state: false
              action: toggle
            type: button
          - entity: sensor.tv_source
            icon: 'mdi:video-input-hdmi'
            type: entity
        type: horizontal-stack
      - cards:
          - entity: script.executa_hisense_input_tv
              action: more-info
            name: TV
            show_icon: true
            show_name: true
            show_state: false
              action: toggle
            type: button
          - entity: script.executa_hisense_input_hdmi_1
              action: more-info
            name: Virgin
            show_icon: true
            show_name: true
            show_state: false
              action: toggle
            type: button
          - entity: script.executa_hisense_input_hdmi_2
              action: more-info
            name: Fire Stick
            show_icon: true
            show_name: true
            show_state: false
              action: toggle
            type: button
            icon: 'si:amazonfiretv'
          - entity: script.executa_hisense_input_hdmi_3
              action: more-info
            name: DVD
            show_icon: true
            show_name: true
            show_state: false
              action: toggle
            type: button
            icon: 'fas:compact-disc'
        type: horizontal-stack
      - cards:
          - cards:
              - entity: script.executa_hisense_volume_up
                  action: more-info
                name: Volume UP
                show_icon: true
                show_name: true
                  action: toggle
                type: button
              - entity: script.executa_hisense_volume_down
                  action: more-info
                name: Volume DOWN
                show_icon: true
                show_name: true
                  action: toggle
                type: button
            type: vertical-stack
          - cards:
              - cards:
                  - entity: script.executa_hisense_channel_up
                      action: more-info
                    name: Channel UP
                    show_icon: true
                    show_name: true
                      action: toggle
                    type: button
                  - entity: script.executa_hisense_channel_down
                      action: more-info
                    name: Channel DOWN
                    show_icon: true
                    show_name: true
                      action: toggle
                    type: button
                type: vertical-stack
            type: vertical-stack
        type: horizontal-stack
      - cards:
          - entity: script.executa_hisense_prime_video
              action: more-info
            show_icon: true
            show_name: true
              action: toggle
            type: button
          - entity: script.executa_hisense_home
              action: more-info
            icon: 'mdi:menu'
            name: Menu
            show_icon: true
            show_name: true
              action: toggle
            type: button
        type: horizontal-stack
    type: vertical-stack
type: vertical-stack

that looks reaaly cool. Is there a way you can check if the icons also work on safari in a Mac, of on mobile browser? especially the main menu icons? I seem to only get them working in chrome browser.

I had some difficulty as well to get them working properly.
What solved it for me was to let the integration manage the theme. (integration settings). Then in user settings choose backend managed theme.

unfortunately it looks like I am doing something wrong. I changed one icon in menu

as you can see in the top menu next to the weather icon…one is missing…it is the duotone…
any thoughts?

yes, the top menu is still a challenge, couldn’t get that to work either.

thanks for confirming

It’s not that hard, maybe try an other icon.

I am in the same boat. page.yaml is stating yaml errors (two unaddressed issues on the addons github regarding it too). I’ve verified the calendar is working on a test dashboard but have been unable to get it to work on the actual DD.

I think there are a lot of docs that are no longer accurate, it seems like dwains-theme isn’t a folder that should exist anymore?

@KingFisher I saw your page.yaml can you post your file path for the calendar addon in home_information.yaml?

Do you got a link to the code you are using?