DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

I am new to Home Assistant and tried Dwains Dashboard. I like the dashboard but there are some things i would like to change.
I don’t want to use a single ligt or a group in a room. How can I add more than one light to a room?
It only shows the latest item of my entry in the room page.

have you restarted HA

Is this hoe it should behave? Or am i missing something?

if you use groups for each area/room, dwains dash will auto list them. (living room page) or you can add entities separately like my kitchen spots (kitchen page)

this is how it looks when I add a group

this is my configuration.yaml. i changed the switches to lights and grouped them together.


this is my rooms.yaml.

the entity in the configuration section is listed as group, in dwains dashboard it is listed as one single light. but when i toggle the ligt all 4 lights are going on / off.

Yes, I rebooted

Both my virtual test environment as my NUC have rebooted multiple times

instead of light: light.xxx you must make group.xxxxx

like this:

  - name: Downstairs
    icon: mdi:sofa
    light: group.lights_downstairs
    temperature: sensor.lumi_lumi_weather_266dd301_temperature
    climate: climate.heater_dining_room
    humidity: sensor.lumi_lumi_weather_266dd301_humidity
    motion: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d000120a1bd
    door: group.doors_dining_room
    window: group.windows_downstairs
    pressure: sensor.lumi_lumi_weather_266dd301_pressure
    safety: binary_sensor.smoke_sensor_158d000153cceb
    media_player: group.multimedia

my light group (light platform) looks like:

  - platform: group
    name: Group Downstairs
      - light.chill_out_corner
      - light.kitchen
      - light.tv_ambilight
      - light.spots_living_room
      - light.dining_room
      - light.gateway_light_7c49eb1c2e69
      - light.hue_living_color
      - light.led_strip_living_room
      - light.spots_entrance
      - light.led_strip_living_room
      - light.led_glashouse
      - light.wled_glashouse
      - light.wooden_lamp_living_room
      - light.lamps_dining_room_wall
      - light.dressing

In your case it is normal because you bundle all your lights under ONE light. you must make a “normal” group and put your lights there like this:

  name: Lights Downstairs
    - light.chill_out_corner
    - light.hue_living_color
    - light.wooden_lamp_living_room
    - light.dining_room
    - light.gateway_light_7c49eb1c2e69
    - light.dressing
    #    - light.candles
    - light.tv_ambilight
    - light.led_strip_living_room
    - light.dining_room_wall
    - light.living_room
    - light.led_glashouse
    - light.wled_glashouse
    - light.kitchen

it is a normal behaviour that Dwain’s Dashboard won’t show all lights in your light group as it is bundled in one single light

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It took a while, now it appears :slight_smile:

thank you for your reply. Preformatted textI know what you mean but i don’t know how to fix this.

changing the entity ID from light.xxx to group.xxx is not working because the entity ID with group.xx doesn’t exist.

  - platform: group
    name: Lichter Küche
      - light.licht_kuche
      - light.licht_kuchenzeile

   - name: Küche
     icon: mdi:countertop
     light: group.lichter_kuche #-> this is not working

u must create a group with those lights inside :slight_smile: either u use your configuration.yaml and then something like:

  name: Lights Downstairs
    - light.chill_out_corner
    - light.hue_living_color
    - light.wooden_lamp_living_room
    - light.dining_room
    - light.gateway_light_7c49eb1c2e69
    - light.dressing
    #    - light.candles
    - light.tv_ambilight
    - light.led_strip_living_room
    - light.dining_room_wall
    - light.living_room
    - light.led_glashouse
    - light.wled_glashouse
    - light.kitchen

reload groups in home assistant and you will find an entity called group.lights_downstairs and THIS you put in the light: xxx section in the room config :slight_smile:

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now i got it and it’s working fine :slightly_smiling_face:

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Glad to hear that :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Artboard 1LogoHA
I present to you all, the new official logo for Dwains Dashboard :partying_face: :confetti_ball: :partying_face: :smiley:
We are getting somewhere. The logo is officially added to Home Assistant Brands so soon you will see it all in the Integrations part of HA.
Also Dwains Dashboard is on its way to become an HACS default integration (Adds new integration [dwainscheeren/dwains-lovelace-dashboard] by dwainscheeren · Pull Request #1140 · hacs/default · GitHub)


You need to create customize.yaml file in your Home Assistant root folder (near configuration.yaml) and include it in the configuration.yaml file as it is described in the docs here:

not sure if that is the same customize.yaml file like for the dasboard?
my dshboard customize.yaml looks like this:

  dwains_dashboard_popup: "dwains-dashboard/addons/popups/input_select.foscam_preset_points.yaml"
  dwains_dashboard_popup: "dwains-dashboard/addons/popups/input_number.irrigation_time.yaml"
  dwains_dashboard_popup: "dwains-dashboard/addons/popups/xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner_upstairs.yaml"
  dwains_dashboard_popup: "dwains-dashboard/addons/popups/climate/popup.yaml"
  some_data: 'This is some data parsed.'
  some_other_data: 'and some other data.'

so u mean that the customize.yaml is the same homeassistant uses?

what is your path then in the component config?
mine looks like

I completely forgot that these settings are there since I’m using DD for long time.
I was looking for these settings in DD → More → Theme Settings. Can you make a link to Integrations → Dwains Dashboard settings from DD? Or write a note that the dashboard settings are in the Integrations? I hope you can understand me :slight_smile:

Without slash character…