DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Why more_page addon auto increase page?


Hi, is there anyone who can help me out with an example on how to use notifications in DD?


I have used an automation to do that, here’s an example;

service: dwains_dashboard.notification_create
  message: You Got Mail, Check Mailbox
  notification_id: mailbox

To clear it’s use;

service: dwains_dashboard.notification_dismiss
  notification_id: mailbox

Dwain I noticed that the issue reported on post 1681 & 1682 was not fixed in 2.0.7.


items_classes: 'col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12'


- type: custom:dwains-flexbox-card

In which file?

in rooms/room/addon.yaml and 04.more_page_addons.yaml

Mmm I see the person who made the PR doesnt did it correctly. But you can change it by hand. I’m fully working on DD 3.0 for hundred of hours already so don’t gonna spend any time on 2.* anymore.


David, that’s fine, since I made the change before I just repeated it in the current version and all is working great. Looking forward to see what you come up with in 3.0.

I am kinda new to your Dashboard, @dwains.
From the example screen-dumps iv’e seen, it looks to be very promesing.
Have been stepending the most parts for the 5 nights, reading the documents and formumposts…For now I am stuck in the process of cinfuguring the Rooms.yaml file.

It seems though that I am partly unable to get the proper icons on the room-boxes in UI-
It shows in the ‘Configuration → - Iintegrations’, with the one device and ione entity (latest version is available),

The major headache now is to get the Icons to show up on the cards.
PS. The Fonts Awesomme is also installed. As the picture shows is a coutch-icon in the “Stue-card” but why only this one?
Actually, yesterday an icon appeared a in the “Soverom1-card”. It disepeared when the right icon was included in the “Soverom 1 card”. Now it’s blank again.

Here is my /config/dwains-dashboard/configs/rooms.yaml -file content:
PS. Work in progress.

# https://dwainscheeren.github.io/dwains-lovelace-dashboard/configuration/rooms.html

  - name: Stue
    icon: fas:couch
    light: light.stuelys
    temperature: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_temperature
    humidity: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_humidity
    # motion: binary_sensor.hallway_sensor_motion
    # door: binary_sensor.hallway_door_contact
    # safety: sensor.kitchen_nest_protect_smoke_ok
    # window: binary_sensor.hallway_window_contact
    # cover: group.hallway_covers
    media_player: group.media_player
  - name: Kjøkken
    icon: fas:knife-kitchen
    light: light.kjokkenlys
    # safety: sensor.kitchen_nest_protect_smoke_ok
  - name: Bad
    icon: fas:sink
    light: light.lys_vskerom
      # columns: 2 #optional
     #  entities:
       # - entity: sensor.name1
       # - entity: sensor.name2
     # columns: 1 #optional
      # show_title: 'false' #optional
      # entities:
       # - entity: sensor.name1
       # - entity: sensor.name2
  - name: Soverom 1
    icon: fas:bed-bunk
    light: light.soverom_1_lys
#    more_entities:
#      entities:
       # - entity: sensor.smokedetector_battery_level
       # - entity: sensor.gasmeter_battery_level
  - name: Soverom 2
    icon: fas:bed-front
    light: light.soverom_2_lys
  - name: Ute
    icon: fas:table-picnic
    light: light.utelys
    temperature: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_ute_temperature
    humidity: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_ute_humidity
    pressure: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_pressure
  - name: Bod
    icon: fas:cabin
    light: light.bodlys

Please! Anyone, what am I doing wrong?

Kind Regards,
Seriously Sleep Deprived

Be careful with Font Awesome, not all icons are free. Some require a subscription. Be sure to check the free option when you search.

After updating HA to the version 2022.03, the Dwains Dashboard can’t load anymore and it only says “Unknown Error, Reload UI”.
Due to the change to material from paper elements from the latest HA update (2022.03) the Ul components have be broken.
I also tried writing on Reddit… https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/comments/t5ff38/dwains_dashboard_and_ha_202203/hz892r6/?context=3
Dwain are you up to a solution? I love your dashboard!!!
I can’t live without it! Please fix It!

Thanks! That did it (more or less). Still some gree icons from Font Awesomme that don’t show, however, I need too check my .yaml

As per the instructions on Dwains Dashboard, one should set everything up in groups.
I have created som light groups and a media player grroup.

In the UI under Rooms, I can see the lights-group and media-player group for the livingroom, the bedroom, etc. But rhis gives sub optimal control over each device/entity.
How do you separate the individual enteties in cards? Is it allowed to use custom cards?

This is my code in rooms.yaml

# https://dwainscheeren.github.io/dwains-lovelace-dashboard/configuration/rooms.html

  - name: Stue
    icon: fas:couch
    light: light.stuelys
    temperature: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_temperature
    humidity: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_humidity
    # motion: binary_sensor.hallway_sensor_motion
    # door: binary_sensor.hallway_door_contact
    # safety: sensor.kitchen_nest_protect_smoke_ok
    # window: binary_sensor.hallway_window_contact
    # cover: group.hallway_covers
    media_player: media_player.media_player_group
  - name: Kjøkken
    icon: fas:utensils
    light: light.kjokkenlys
    # safety: sensor.kitchen_nest_protect_smoke_ok
  - name: Bad
    icon: fas:sink
    light: light.lys_vskerom
      # columns: 2 #optional
     #  entities:
       # - entity: sensor.name1
       # - entity: sensor.name2
     # columns: 1 #optional
      # show_title: 'false' #optional
      # entities:
       # - entity: sensor.name1
       # - entity: sensor.name2
  - name: Soverom 1
    icon: mdi:BunkBed
    light: light.soverom_1_lys
#    more_entities:
#      entities:
       # - entity: sensor.smokedetector_battery_level
       # - entity: sensor.gasmeter_battery_level
  - name: Soverom 2
    icon: mdi:BedDouble
    light: light.soverom_2_lys
  - name: Ute
    icon: fas:cloud-sun
    light: light.utelys
    temperature: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_ute_temperature
    humidity: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_ute_humidity
    pressure: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_pressure
  - name: Bod
    icon: fas:house-crack
    light: light.bodlys

Also, I have created an addon for mediaplayer under:

# https://dwainscheeren.github.io/dwains-lovelace-dashboard/configuration/more_page.html

   - name: Media Players
     icon: mdi:speaker-multiple
     show_header: 'true'
     main_menu: 'true'
     path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/more_page/media/page.yaml'

The page.yaml under dwains-dashboard/addons/more_page/media/page.yaml has the following code:

# dwains_dashboard
- type: 'custom:dwains-media_player'
     columns: 1
     show_title: 'true' #optional
       - type: custom:mini-media-player
         entity: media_player.como_duetto_2
         icon: mdi:cast-speaker
         artwork: cover
       - type: custom:mini-media-player
         entity: media_player.spotify_ivar_wagle
         icon: mdi:spotify
         artwork: cover
       - type: custom:mini-media-player
         entity: media_player.mi_tv_stick_2
         icon: mdi:cast
         artwork: cover

There must be something wrong. This is whar I am seeing in DD under Media Players:

Meny thanks for any help.

Did you try downgrading to older ha version?

1 Like

Nope. Installed the first part thgough HACS 10 days ago (belive it must be the lastest non-beta).
After that I have been downloading some add-ons frm the github repro.

Yes I tried. Same problem. Because frontend version stays the same even if I downgrade the core…

Hi all,
First, many thanks to Dwain for making this dashboard available to the community.
I have just started setting it up, installed repository through HACS. I must be a bit thick but I already have a couple of issues:

  • Dashboard only works in browser but not in the android companion app, despite having cleared chrome browser cache and app cache
  • I do not have a “configs” folder so I created one with global.yaml rooms.yaml (populated with one room) and icons.yaml, which are the ones marked as required. After restarting HA, reloading dashboard in theme settings it stilk says no rooms defined

Could you guys point me in the right direction?

I am running latest versions of HA and Dwains dashboard.


Same problem here. Though I got the directory structure with the config files via hacs.

Only when I add them (just remove the #) nothing happens even if I clear my browser cache)

I must be doing something wrong.

After installing the board via HACS, did you install the integration? The config directory is not a subdirectory in /config/custom_components/dwains_dashboard/, but it is the base of HA /config/dwains-dashboard/configs/

I did add the integration but indeed did not realise I had to look into the ‘root’ /config directory!
Thanks very much for pointing that out, I kinda knew it was something silly but could not put my finger on it