DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Works now. Still does not display in the android app though. I get the same custom compoment does not exist error described by many, usually solved by emptying cache but apart from app cache and browser cache I am not sure what else can be done. Anyway I will explore the dashboard in more details. I really like the interface so far.

Hi again, and a big thanks to @dwains for all his efforts …

Mine nighter work. That is: I can see the top banner with temperature, etc., I can see each room as cards in the main space below.

From the initial Dwains Dashboard download via HACS, there are the folder-structure:
/config/custom_components/dwains_dashboard/ (it containts 11 files and 5 dirs).

And there is a separate folder-structure: /config/dwains-dashboard/ with two sub folders: addons and configs. I have mainly populated this with files from githib. And the editing I have done is in files located in the two subdirs of this structure.
The /config/dwains-dashboard/addons/ dir have these folders:

The /…/configs/ has these:

I have mostly edited the rooms.yaml, the moore_pages.yaml and the global.yaml. As a start:


# https://dwainscheeren.github.io/dwains-lovelace-dashboard/configuration/global.html
    - "Ok"
    - "Idle"
    - "off"
    - "unavailable" 
  # show_covers: closed

  weather: weather.hytta_2 # Configure a weather entity see HA docs for more info.
  outside_temperature: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_ute_temperature # Configure a sensor here!
  outside_humidity: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_ute_humidity # Configure a sensor here!
  # alarm: alarm_control_panel.alarm_system #Alarm panel entity.
  inside_temperature: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_temperature #Can be 'climate.' or an 'sensor.' entity.

favorites_homepage: 'true' #Uncomment this line if you want the house information favorites on your homepage.

  # custom_popups: #Create custom popups for a whole domain. See popup addons in the docs
  #   - domain: cover
  #     path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/popups/cover/popup.yaml'


# https://dwainscheeren.github.io/dwains-lovelace-dashboard/configuration/rooms.html

  - name: Stue
    icon: fas:couch
    light: light.stuelys
    temperature: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_temperature
    humidity: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_humidity
    # motion: binary_sensor.hallway_sensor_motion
    # door: binary_sensor.hallway_door_contact
    # safety: sensor.kitchen_nest_protect_smoke_ok
    # window: binary_sensor.hallway_window_contact
    # cover: group.hallway_covers
    media_player: media_player.media_player_group
  - name: Kjøkken
    icon: fas:utensils
    light: light.kjokkenlys
    # safety: sensor.kitchen_nest_protect_smoke_ok
  - name: Bad
    icon: fas:sink
    light: light.lys_vskerom
      # columns: 2 #optional
     #  entities:
       # - entity: sensor.name1
       # - entity: sensor.name2
     # columns: 1 #optional
      # show_title: 'false' #optional
      # entities:
       # - entity: sensor.name1
       # - entity: sensor.name2
  - name: Soverom 1
    icon: mdi:BunkBed
    light: light.soverom_1_lys
#    more_entities:
#      entities:
       # - entity: sensor.smokedetector_battery_level
       # - entity: sensor.gasmeter_battery_level
  - name: Soverom 2
    icon: mdi:BedDouble
    light: light.soverom_2_lys
  - name: Ute
    icon: fas:cloud-sun
    light: light.utelys
    temperature: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_ute_temperature
    humidity: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_ute_humidity
    pressure: sensor.netatmo_hulderhaugen_indoor_pressure
  - name: Bod
    icon: fas:house-crack
    light: light.bodlys


# https://dwainscheeren.github.io/dwains-lovelace-dashboard/configuration/more_page.html

   - name: Media Players
     icon: mdi:speaker-multiple
     show_header: 'true'
     main_menu: 'true'
     path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/more_page/media/page.yaml'
#  - name: Hello more page
#     icon: mdi:chart-bar
#     main_menu: 'true' #Show this addon in the main navigation bar!
#     path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/more_page/statistics/page.yaml'
#     data:
#     some_data: 
#       - some data parsed.'
#       - some_other_data: 'and some other data.'

In the /../dwains-dashboard/configs/
I have only individual files:

In the /config/dwains-dashboard/addons/more_page/media/page.yaml, The code is for now quite simple, but does not work at all:

# dwains_dashboard
- type: 'custom:dwains-media_player'
     columns: 1
     show_title: 'true' #optional
       - type: custom:mini-media-player
         entity: media_player.como_duetto_2
         icon: mdi:cast-speaker
         artwork: cover
       - type: custom:mini-media-player
         entity: media_player.spotify_ivar_wagle
         icon: mdi:spotify
         artwork: cover
       - type: custom:mini-media-player
         entity: media_player.mi_tv_stick_2
         icon: mdi:cast
         artwork: cover

Sorry for the long post!

Just two more questions,though, that might be related:

  1. In the file :/config/custom_components/dwains_dashboard/lovelace/plugins/dwains_dashboard.yaml:
# dwains_dashboard

version: "{{ _dd_global.version }}"
theme: "{{ _dd_global.theme }}"
primary_color: "{{ _dd_global.primary_color }}"
themes: '{{ _dd_global.themes }}'

{% if _dd_config.global["custom_popups"] %}
{% for popup in _dd_config.global["custom_popups"] %}
{{ popup["domain"] }}_popup: 
      - ../../../../{{ popup["path"] }}
      - entity: domain.placeholder
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

  {% for entity in _dd_customize["entity_popups"] %}
  {{ entity }}:
    title: {{ _dd_customize["entity_popups"][entity]["popup_title"] }}
        - ../../../../{{ _dd_customize["entity_popups"][entity]["popup_path"] }}
        - entity: {{ entity }}
          data: '{{ _dd_customize["entity_popups"][entity]["popup_data"]|tojson }}'
  {% endfor %}

There is an error, marked with a red circle with examation mark, saying:

missed comma between flow collection entries at line 8, column 2:
    {% if _dd_config.global["custom_p ... 

(I do no belive I have eited this code my self).

  1. Going into the Dwains Dashboard, selecting the three dots → Edit dashboard, I am unable to edit in storage mode, only YAML mode. Is this supposed to be like this?

PS. Again, @dwains Thaks a million for the exellent work with the dashboard. I will be eternally greatfull for some further assustance.

what do you mean with it doesn´t work at all? the page doesn´t show up but you have it in the navbar?

you don´t need to edit anything in the /custom_components/dwains_dashboard/ directory. if it shows you an error and you´re not sure if u modified smth just redownload the dashboard from HACS. i can´t check if i have the same error since i´m not on 2.x right now.

editing the dashboard using UI doesn´t work since it´s using yaml mode. so yes, it´s supposed like that.

I get the media player group under livingroom. But only as a group. Dosen’t give ant usefull information or means of control:

View on clicking in the Group card is even less impressive:

Clicking on the Media Player icon. Yet another downer:

Thanks. I will give it a go.

It will be yaml then. But in that case, what is the point of the Edit Dashboard:

clear your browser cache should fix all these problems. something is not loaded correctly.

i guess it´s a home-assistant setting that can´t be removed, that´s why it´s in the dashboard.

Replying to myself as it may help others…
Only way to get Dwains dashboard to work properly in the official HA companion android app is to reinstall the app entirely.
I have read countless times that my problem should have been solved by clearing cache (I tried app cache in android apps settings and chrome browser cache) but reinstalling was the way around.
Hopefully I don’t have to do it every time a simple cache clearing would suffice, will see.

I would like some weather info in my “main banner”

So i removed the # in global en set afther weater my entity called weather.huis. Butt nothing appears in my Dwains Dashboard. What am i doing wrong ?

I am also getting confused about the spaces and tabs in yaml files. What are the rules ?

remove 1 space in front of weather:. if that doesn´t work clear your browser-cache (or shift+f5)

I’m in the process the create a dashboard but I saw that you are working on a v3 wondering what is the timeline for release ? Also can the v2 be migrated to v3 ?

Helllo i would like to enable favorites
my house information looks like this ( i would like to turnon/ turn off allt he kitchen lights at once,)


And my global looks like this, could someone tell me what am i doing wrong.


You can create a custom button which links to that page.

See here: Dwains Lovelace Dashboard | An auto generating Home Assistant Lovelace UI dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile by Dwains for desktop, tablet, mobile you need to shift 2 spaces to right.

Hello Dwains,

Thanks for you reply. I am one step closer. I see a grey field now with favorits, but no siwtches / lamps. I still make a mistake butt i can t figure out what.

My hue kitchen lights ( which i use alot) dont show up.



I think that a group there is not going to work only to switch on an off a group totally.

Try ‘group.keuken_lichten’ with no ‘s’ at ‘group’

Many thanks sir…

I seem to be missing scenes.yaml in the config folder. How do I restore it to allow scenes to be displayed in the dashboard?

make a scenes.yaml in \config\dwains-dashboard\configs. check the documentation to see what you have to add in the scenes.yaml

for example:

    - entity: scene.cover_open
      icon: fas:arrow-circle-up
      icon_color: var(--dwains-theme-accent)
      background: var(--dwains-theme-background)
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So DD 3.0 is official in beta :slight_smile: on my Discord server :slight_smile:

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When do we get more details about it to the general public? Can you provide a list of features compared to V2?