this works, but apparently all devices that are discovered that way are added to the known_devices.yaml file, regardless if they were already in there or not. This seems to happen when HA is restarted, maybe even at other times, too.
I just found over 50 instances of my fridge’s network interface in there…
This also means, I can’t manually assign attributes like name:, icon: etc. since it’s all superseded by another vanilla copy of the device entry on restart.
This looks like a bug to me - to my understanding, HA shouldn’t re-add a device that’s already in the known_devices file.
I had an issue like this but it turned out I corrupted the known_devices file by adding a blank in a name. HA would then stop reading the file and just add all devices to the end, over and over again.
Check your file and I think there was some warning in the log as well.
Ok, you were right!
Turning up the log level revealed some “duplicate entry” messages for the known_devices.yaml file.
I wrote a little python script to clean up the file. Maybe someone else finds it useful too:
# clean up duplicate entries from home-assistant's known_devices.yaml file
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
def main(known_devices_file):
known_devices = defaultdict(dict);
current_dev = None;
# build the data structure; remove most if the identical dupes
for line in open(known_devices_file, 'r'):
if line.startswith(' '):
(attr, value) = (line.rstrip().lstrip()).split(': ', 1)
# attributes that don't have values set
attr = line.rstrip(': \n').lstrip()
value = ''
if (attr == 'name' and not value.startswith('\'')):
value = '\'' + value + '\''
known_devices[current_dev][attr] = value
current_dev = line.rstrip()
# weed out duplicates of entries with custom names set
keys_to_delete = set();
for dev in known_devices.keys():
dupelist = [];
mac = known_devices[dev]['mac']
if not mac == '':
for otherdev in known_devices.keys():
if (known_devices[otherdev]['mac'] == mac):
if len(dupelist) > 1:
# drop entries that only have names derived from mac address
mac_name = mac.replace(':','').lower() + ':'
if len(dupelist) > 1:
print ('still having issues with this one: ' + dupelist)
for key in keys_to_delete:
del known_devices[key]
for key in known_devices.keys():
if __name__ == "__main__":