DDS-1Y-36L-80A-M power meter - reading RS485 modbus data?

So I just realized that this little power meter im using has a RS485 output and apparently puts out RS485 modbus data.

dds-80a.pdf (

I have worked very little with RS485 and also modbus, but is it possible to input this data to homeassistant?

The hardware I will use to connect will be a Kinkony KC868-A8 with the RS485 port, using ESPHome.


Looks like its only two registers as one 32 bit integer that you will be reading from, so that is straight forward and will work.

But can’t find much on the Kinkony Modbus setup.
If the Kinkony is difficult to setup, remember there are plenty of options for Modbus <–> HA including ESPHome or even a USB RS485 cable plugged into your HA setup.

Thanks, I’m still a little unsure of how to actually set it up. Like, completely lost in the dark haha.

I’m guessing if I can use modbus with esphome, no reason why I can’t use the kinkony being esp based?


Wire the power meter to your Kinkony - RS485 is normally 2 wires and while it’s recommended to use a twisted pair, it will run on almost anything. Just make sure you comply with your local codes /end-disclaimer.

If it doesn’t work, switch the wires at one end and try again. There is no polarity as they are a differential pair, so you won’t blow anything up.

Then you will have to see how the Kinkony requires things to be programmed for a Modbus register.
The register type will be holding, address will be 1 & data type will be U_DWORD (I think)
Untested but if the Kinkony works like ESPhome, this is a modded example from the ESPhome Modbus Controller page.

Hope that gets you started.

  - platform: modbus_controller
    id: power_meter
    name: "power_meter"
    address: 0x1
    unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
    register_type: read
    value_type: U_WORD
      - multiply: 0.1

Excellent, thanks I’ll give this a shot and let you know how I get on.

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Ok, so I just confirmed that the Kinkony does not have a RS485 port.

So, my next question is can I read RS485 with a ESP32?
I also do have a space I2C port on the Kinkony, not sure if I could convert RS485 to I2C?

Thanks for your help!

Looking at one of these?

I haven’t used ESP board with RS485, but that board is the same as the example on ESPhome so it should do the job.

Edit: One caveat they do say on the guide is to make sure you’re using hardware UART pins if using an ESP8266. Don’t know if the issue is the same for an ESP32 -

If you are using an ESP8266, serial logging may cause problems reading from UART. For best results, hardware serial is recommended. Software serial may not be able to read all received data if other components spend a lot of time in the loop().

For hardware serial only a limited set of pins can be used. Either tx_pin: GPIO1 and rx_pin: GPIO3 or tx_pin: GPIO15 and rx_pin: GPIO13.

Ok, I have everything wired the way I would imagine it needs to be.

I’ve swapped TX and RX around between ESP32 and TTL.

Ive used GPIO1 and GPIO3 as my ports for the modbus configuration.

Here is my code which is literally a copy paste off the esphome modbus page.

Could you tell me how I need to configure this now.


  id: mod_bus
  tx_pin: 17
  rx_pin: 16
  baud_rate: 9600
  stop_bits: 1

  flow_control_pin: 5
  id: modbus1

  - id: epever
    ## the Modbus device addr
    address: 0x1
    modbus_id: modbus1
    setup_priority: -10

  - name: "rtc_clock"
    platform: modbus_controller
    modbus_controller_id: epever
    id: rtc_clock
    internal: true
    register_type: holding
    address: 0x9013
    register_count: 3
    raw_encode: HEXBYTES
    response_size: 6

  - platform: modbus_controller
    modbus_controller_id: epever
    id: reset_to_fabric_default
    name: "Reset to Factory Default"
    register_type: coil
    address: 0x15
    bitmask: 1

  - platform: modbus_controller
    modbus_controller_id: epever
    name: "Battery Capacity"
    id: battery_capacity
    register_type: holding
    address: 0x9001
    unit_of_measurement: "AH"
    value_type: U_WORD

Some info I found.

DDS-1Y-36L-80A-M-Instructions (

dds-80a_registers.pdf (