Deafult id and password for Rpi

Hi, I installed HA with rpi 3B. The image is frome here “

I hooked up keyboard and tried to login, but id and password might be wrong.
pi, homeassistant…everything was wrong.
What is default id and password?

One more question, with official image for Rpi, it uses docker, right?
If I want to use another instance of rpi, how can I do it?
I am beginner of docker…so it is very complicated…


This is designed as a headless install, so typically, there is no local console used.

  1. You will be able to reach your installation at http://homeassistant.local:8123 (if your router supports mDNS, otherwise see below).

This is using Docker containers, but you really don’t need to know much about containers.

Thanks, I understand the installation image is nothing to do cause the image is headless.

If I want to use two docker containers in one Rpi,
Do I need t install original Rpi os(Raspbian) and then install docker and execute HA containers ?

I’ll defer to others, but it depends on what additional containers you want to run on the same Pi.

There are quite a number of containers that you can add to HA from the menu which are referred to as add-ons. The community catalog is at . There are additional catalogs you can add as well. If an existing add-on doesn’t meet your needs or you want/need additional control you can install your own OS with Docker enabled.