Dealing with an unreliable mosquito bridge

I have two HA nodes at home: one ( a Proxmox LXC) for all the processing and another (Pi) for the Z-Wave and Zigbee comms. The two are connected by a bridge from the main node to the subsidiary node.

The bridge is configured to exchange all messages at QoS 2 and both brokers are set to persist messages.

However, I have noticed that if I need to restart the subsidiary broker, the bridge stays disconnected until I also restart the main broker. Is there a way to have the bridge re-connected automatically?

I’m bumping this because the bridge is still unreliable. The bridge config on the primary node is:

connection docker4
remote_username <name>
remote+password: <password>
topic # out 1
topic # in 1
restart_timeout: 10 30
start_type automatic

Despite this config, I regularly find that the bridge has gone down and the addon needs to be restarted.

I’m bumping this again as I think I may have found the problem - a bug in the mosquito broker used in the latest release of the addon.

See for details.

Hopefully, somebody will see this and downgrade the broker version to 2.0.14.

In the meantime, I’ve taken a different approach.

My primary HA node runs in a Proxmox VM, so I’ve installed a dedicated mosquito broker in its own LXC. I’ve kept that one at 2.0.14 and “bridged” it to the HA brokers. In time, I might dispense with the HA broker add-on altogether and just connect everything to the LXC.