Debian 12 kvm haos image unzip question

I’m a newbie to Linux and have severe vision limitations, so I use a screen reader. I’m playing around with an old server (mainly just for a fun project to learn Linux and tool around with home assistant to see if I want to switch from Homeseer). I loaded Debian 12 (headless) on the server and want to run home assistant on a virtual machine as I will be using the server for other purposes as well. The guide for installing home assistant on a virtual machine in Linux has two image options, one for virtualbox and the other for kvm. I’m confused about the kvm file. The only option I could find for unzipping this file is kuaizip which is flagged as malware/adware and in Chinese? so I’m extremely reluctant to download it. The virtualbox file is a standard .zip and isn’t an issue, but from what I can tell, virtualbox isn’t supported on Debian 12. Is there a different program available to unzip the file? Is there a qcow2 file floating around in a standard .zip format? Is kuaizip actually safe, even though it’s flagged as being malware/adware? Any advice/help is appreciated.

The HA qcow image is compressed with XZ, which is just another compression format like zip or gzip. On a headless server you can just use the xz command line utility to decompress it:

xz -d haos_ova-12.0.qcow2.xz

On Debian you would just install the xz-utils package to get the xz utility.

apt-get install -y xz-utils

KuaiZip appears to be a Windows application, which I’ve never heard of. If you’re doing this in Windows, the safe and popular 7-Zip application can handle xz files.

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Thank you! I know nothing. This is my first go with Linux so I have much to learn. Funny how when searching online I found no mention of this and I’m going to guess it’s very basic Linux 101. Thank you very much! Being new-ish to vision loss really hampers my searching abilities, something I need to adapt to.

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