Debian 12 + Supervised = curl: (6) Could not resolve host:


About going nuts on installing HA on Dabian 12 (non graphic).
(GitHub - home-assistant/supervised-installer: Installer for a generic Linux system)

The command “curl -fsSL | sh” returns “curl: (6) Could not resolve host:

In same Debian version with graphical interface installed everything works.

Any ide on what could be wrong? DNS seems to work ok…

Best regards

DNS does not work ok. See: “Could not resolve host”

Try this approach.

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Hello All

During last week-end I tried to install home assistant supervised

First on Debian 11 but it was impossible to install systemd-resolve → doesn’t exist
So I tried with Debian 12 and impossible to have a DNS resolution after install systemd-resolve → I added my DNS server in a right file and it was OK

But I have a last problem and at this time Home Assistant doesn’t work :frowning:

So my server is a VM on VMWare Server with a fixed IP address
When I install the homeassistant-supervised.deb, after reboot, the IP is remove, data network file deleted and the server use a DHCP address

Somebody has this problem ?
Any idea to solved it ?

Maybe THIS helps? :thinking:

Hi Tamsy

Thanks for your answer but I don’t loose the DNS IP in this file, I loose the Computer fixed IP and the networkfile associated

I tried around 30 installations of homeassistant, just the DEB package
Three time the fixed IP stay present, on the others installations the fixed IP has been removed

It’s very strange :confused:

To configure a fixed local IP-address on Debian 12 you can do the following (using the nmcli command here):

  1. Open the CLI.
  2. Check the connection name of your Debian box:
nmcli con show

The output will look similar to the following:

Note the NAME of the active connection (with above’s example circled in red it is “Supervisor eno1”)

Lets assume the following:

  • The connection name of your Debian is: Supervisor eno1
  • The fixed IP-address you want to assign to the Debian box should be:
  • The ipv4 address of the gateway within your LAN is:
  • The DNS server of your choice should be.:
  1. Now issue the following command on the CLI (change “Supervisor eno1” to the connection name you discovered at Step 2 above!):
sudo nmcli con mod "Supervisor eno1" ipv4.addresses ipv4.gateway ipv4.dns ipv4.method manual
  1. To save the changes and activate the new configuration you need to reload NetworkManager:
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

All done and you shouldn’t “loose the Computer fixed IP” anymore after rebooting your Debian box.

I have the same problem, unfortunately that didn’t solve the problem.

@Mgk Did you solve the problem?

Fixes: a reboot fixed it🙈

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I don’t have nmcli when I start Debian installation, I change the network file /etc/network/interfaces
And I just remove dhcp and I add for example :
address 10.123.34.X/24
dns-search latour.pri

Now it doesnt’ matter I find on Home Assistant web site an OVA file
It’s more easier to install HA for a newbie like me at this time :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

May be I will try later your solution, but for the moment, I learn HA

This instructions did the trick unint HA changed it…

After numerous installations and testing with the “dig” command to test the dns (package: bind9-utils in debian 12), I found what was preventing DNS resolution.

It’s the “systemd-resolved” package! Don’t install it and everything will be fine. You won’t get the error again.

… which probably presents you with an “Unsupported” HA installation since Systemd-Resolved is a prerequisite for HA Supervised.

For a better way to resove the issue follow THIS link.