Isn’t needed again…
When you ran it the first time did it error out and you ignored it??
Isn’t needed again…
When you ran it the first time did it error out and you ignored it??
This is some good entertainment right here
i am lost… Just want hassio on my nuc
well you never answered @flamingm0e… when you added the repository the first time, did you get an error?
He did, that is not available for Debian
And he’s only been told that half a dozen times, here and in Discord…
@mclaudiopt I can see only two options for you at this point
Have the prerequisites changed for this? I have debian+docker+hassio but I installed a year ago give or take a few months…
They’re using Debian and (despite being told repeatedly not to) is following the Ubuntu docs…
That’s the problem here
Ah! Well that explains it then…
AFAIK the only difference between them is the universe repo.
That is needed for Ubuntu, but not Valid (and not needed for Debian)
I Will try Ubuntu dispute it seams a lot slower to me
ok now i moved to ubuntu
all commands work great except the last one:
curl -sL "" | bash -s
it give me error that line 1 404 command not found
Looks like you’re getting a 404 error there
Yes( I have done everything according instructions
Try just
and see what hapens
i get what seems to be a raw file
the content is the file at
after running that command i run the initial command again and apparently hassio is configuring now !!!
how can this detaill be merged into the tutorials so that others can use it?
Hi there,
I had some issues installing on Rasbian on a SSD as well but now I succeded. I documented the process here:
Hope it helps someone to save the hours I lost in that rabbit hole
made the same mistake, at the end you inserted a minus (-) instead of an underscore (_) , in … …
Worked for me!