Debug random time out


I have an issue regarding a zigbee lightbulb which is frequently unreachable by HA.

Here are some details:

  • rpi 4b with usb power hub and conbee II with extension cable
  • hass os latest version
  • zigbee2mqtt and mosquitto
  • lightbulb is a router and not very far from coordinator
  • no issue with other devices

When the issue happens, nothing fixes it except an OS reboot which immediatly fixes the issue:

  • restart addon zigbee: not working
  • restart mosquitto : not working
  • restart HA core: not working
  • unplug replug the lightbulb not working
    And nothing in the logs except “time out”

So, something is happening at OS boot which I can’t identify.
I’m not looking to fix the loss of connection, but at least find the unitary action that would fix it when it occurs, without having to lose 5minutes of full reboot.

How can I identify the thing happening at os boot that makes it work ? Or the thing that I could restart or the command that I could run to restore the connection without restarting everything ?

Thank you for the help !