Everyday around 4:13am the swap usage for HA jumps up by at least 40%. Eventually it sits at around 100% and doesn’t drop until the system is rebooted.
I’m using a HA blue with 2021.11.0 but this problem has existed for a good while now so I don’t think it’s related to the core version.
I’m not sure how to start debugging this to be honest. I know a few people have mentioned the Google backup addon which I do use but that backups daily at around 10am so confident it’s not related to that.
Basically what I’m asking for is a bit of direction to solve this as I feel like this could be responsible for some slowness with Zigbee motion sensor. Or maybe it’s nothing to do with that!?
I’m new to HA so I can’t suggest what in HA could be causing the high usage, but I do know that usually swap is used when RAM is starting to max out.
I don’t know anything about the HA Blue, but if it has a console (command line interface) and if the ‘top’ command is available you could use that to see what process is chewing up memory. You would have to run top near the beginning (4:30ish?) of usage or the lack of RAM/Swap space would make it difficult to run any type of system monitoring app.