Debugging MQTT/Frigate controls

I enjoy using Frigate, and need help toggling its controls (detect/recording/snapshots) from HA automations.

I have Frigate addon, Mosquitto broker, MQTT integration working fine when controlled within Frigate UI. However, when I try to toggle its controls from developer panel (switch.hallcam1_detect) - nothing happens. Looks like if there is no action when I toggle the switch.


Through MQTT-Explorer I see that Frigate is posting topics correctly and switch gets updated with control changes from UI.

However, when I publish ON message to the frigate/hallcam1/detect/state topic there is no change to the state in Frigate UI. Is this one way communication due to misconfiguration of mqtt? What could be wrong?


you are using the wrong topic. to change the state you need to publish to /set not /state

this is stated in the frigate docs

Thanks, Nicolas!

Is there a way to control Frigate via switch (switch.hallcam1_detect)?