Debugging why card-mod isn't working

Heya :wave:,

I was hoping someone can help. I can’t get even the most basic card-mod to work on a dashboard, and I am not sure how to debug it.

Here are the deets:

This is my HA configuration:

  • Core: 2025.1.2
  • Supervision: 2024.12.3
  • Operating System: 14.1
  • Frontend: 20250109.0

I have the following card-mod configuration, installed using HACS:

  • card-mod 3.4.4
  • Installed in Dashboard Resources as: /hacsfiles/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js?hacstag=190927524344

For performance, I also configured it in the frontend for preloading using configuration.yaml:

  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
    - /hacsfiles/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js

I have restarted my HA Green device. I can see in the browser console that it is successfully loading. It says “CARD-MOD 3.4.4 IS INSTALLED” in the console window when I load a dashboard.

I have completely flushed my browser cache, and attempted to run this in both public and private mode browsing.

To my understanding, with this configuration, I should be able to use the card-mod module.

Here is my basic dashboard to test it:

  - title: Home
      - type: grid
          - type: markdown
            content: Hello World!
              style: |
                ha-card {
                  background: transparent;
                  text-align: center;
                  font-weight: bold;

However, this is not seeming to render properly in the browser, even in the shadow DOM. The goal is to remove the borders of a ha-card, remove the background color regardless of the theme, and center the text the the viewport.

This is what I see:

What exactly am I missing that is preventing this markdown card from altering it’s styling using card-mod?

Appreciate any help that can be provided. I’m sure it’s going to be something simple, but I am not sure how to debug this. I was going to open an issue on GitHub to ask the author, but after seeing the tone in Issue #332 it sounds like it might be better to ask someone in the community,

Thanks for reading this far. Any ideas how to debug this?

I beg your pardon, which particular comment in this issue has the “tone” you mentioned? )

Try with an example provided in the Docs by the author.
If it works - then probably your code is wrong.
In short - the keyword is “card_mod”, not “card-mod”. Also, for some cards attributes like “font-weight” may not cause a desired effect if applied to “ha-card”.

Suggest to ask any card-mod-related questions in the main card-mod thread. Although you may not like a “tone” there as well (((. Sorry for being blunt - but the plugin’s author is known for his supporting & accuracy.

P.S. Do not use card-mod github for asking questions, it is for reporting bugs & proposing FRs.

It’s clear a lot of people have opened issues that frustrated Thomas enough to make that specific issue. I don’t blame him, its a thankless job to build OSS and give it to the community.

The problem is, all the articles, blogs, and videos have conflicting advice which is probably a catalyst to comments like:

You know… as it says in the readme.
…which you claim to have re-read when you check the box at the bottom of the issue template:

It’s really there to avoid wasting both of our time :wink:

I’ve followed that guidance, but still missing something. A basic card styling won’t work… even as simple as…

  style: |
    ha-card { background: red; }

It’s going to be something super simple and braindead easy that I missed… but it’s eluding me. Nowhere in the DOM do I see my changes being reflected. It’s like card-mod isn’t even loading to inject it, or it’s loading too late in the process. But I do see card-mod code loded when inspecting the rendered HTML:

So I’m at a loss as to what the next steps are. Any ideas?

Do not get surprised, tons of users create issues on github out of nothing because they do not read Docs or do not try harder. This is a small part of major trend on this planet.

As for code inspector - I will provide you a small explanation soon.

There it was. Told you it was braindead stupid… card-mod vs card_mod.

Thanks for the quick reply.

This is an example with Code inspector:

type: markdown
title: xxx
content: |-
    $: |
      .card-header {
        background: red;
    .: |
      ha-card {
        background: cyan;
        overflow: clip;

This is the main card-mod thread for asking questions.

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