Deceptive Site Ahead after switching to DuckDNS

Used your links the register my duckdns address and now warning has gone from both chrome and the home assistant app no longer crashes.

Many thanks.

My Nginx Proxy Manager settings seemed to have erased (although public access was still working). However, when I reinstalled the add-on, I am now getting the same ‘Deceptive Site Ahead’ screen when trying to access HA through my duckdns URL.

I dont see how supplying my URL to google’s “report incorrect phishing site” will suddenly resolve it when it was working before? Report Incorrect Phishing Warning

Am I missing something here? I have DuckDNS and Nginx Proxy Manager addons. Let’s Encrypt is set-up through Nginx.

I had the issue with missing settings too. After a while of troubleshooting, I found that I had created hosts and certificates with a user account that I removed later, which “broke” the DB relations. Eventually I was able to work around this by reactivating the account directly in the DB using the MySQL PlugIn. I also believe that I later changed the owner in the DB to my new account and could safely disable the “obsolete” account.

I’ve had this today as well. It started as I was setting up Alexa Media Player. I think the trigger was the callback url that is used for Amazon login. But that’s just a hunch.
I’ve requested delisting. we’ll see…

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:open_mouth: :open_mouth:Same exact thing here. Always worked since a year and, after setting up Alexa media player integration yesterday, every browser started to say that my domain may be deceptive. Apparently the “domain name and the input do not match”.
God it is so frustrating to set up things just following tutorials and without knowing what you’re doing, but why should the integration affect the certificates?

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Bernardo let us know if you have managed to resolve your issue. Same story… Once AMP installed suddenly site is marked as deceptive and mobile app crashes once reaches Lovelace !!!


Same thing here … I installed Alexa Media Player and Deceptive site is shown, after that Home assistant app keeps crashing on Android.
I want to buy Nabu Casa subscription but I only wanted to send text to voice notification to my Alexa echo device and I can’t see that Nubu supports that.
Do any of you know how any alternative to Alexa Media Player or simply a fix to Alexa Media Player and Deceptive site.
Thank you

My Android app has started crashing too now, I’ve not even added any new integrations. I do have Alexa Media player already installed. I’ve submitted the incorrect Phishing log, so let’s see if that fixes it. HA opens on my chrome browser once I click past the message, but on Android it loads for about a second then crashes

I’m having the same issue, except I’m not using DuckDNS. I have my own legal registered domain that I am using.

Mine was fixed same day once I submitted the request to Google

Adding Alexa to Home Assistant caused my Duckdns subdomain to get the Google warning splash page and that kills the app. Firefox did the same.

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I switched to Nabu Casa remote access and it’s fine for now.
DuckDns is still totally blocked

You just need to submit the page to Google to get it unblocked, took less than 2 hours for it to resolve my issues

I think you may be onto something here… I setup Amason/ Alexa media player 2 days ago and now i’m getting this with my CloudFlare connection.

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Anything here? I got the same and have been using Alexa media player for more than a year so I’m not sure this is the issue.

I’ve been using duckdns w/ NGINX add-on and Let’s Encrypt for around two years. Started getting this a few days ago and no configuration was changed. I’ve submitted a request to google over three days ago but they haven’t unblocked the site.

Any ideas what to do next?

Same with me - submitted the info to Google and unblocked same day.

I submitted to get unblocked and it was unblocked about 8 hours later. 2 weeks later they block again.

My solution was to switch to I used this add-on by koing Add-on: Dynu DNS (alternative to DuckDNS)

Hi All

Just for info, as soon as i installed the Alexa media player using dynu and duckdns if got the deceptive site pages.

Thanks Brett