I’ve got some Nexa self learning 433mhz devices that I can control with a remote but I can’t sniff the codes with the rpi-rf receiver add-on. If I understand things right the remote and device sends a couple of specific codes between each other to communicate (?) Does anybody here happen to know how to sniff the codes and then send them from my 433mhz transmitter connected to my raspberry pi with hassio?
I think nothing ever comes back from a 433 device, they are a fire and forget effectively, so the device is put into learning mode and the remote is then used to send it a code, the device learns it and bobs ur uncle it all works. To sniff the codes that the remote sends you need something like RF link, telldus or pilight (however pilight won’t work with hass.io because there is no addon as far as I know, it does work with hassbian or a simple python install tho’). You could also use a Broadlink RM Pro or mini to learn the codes and use that to control the devices.
Thanks! My first post maybe was a bit “foggy” but I know the device itself doesn’t send any codes. I’ve read somewhere though that the remote sends more than one code to the device but I may have misunderstood that as well. I will try your suggestions and see how far I get.
Update: The thing is though, I don’t want to buy any additional hardware than what I already have. I have a 433mhz receiver connected to my rpi’s gpio pins and it works well to read the codes from a non self learning remote setup. I think my program is the issue not the receiver? If not, why would my receiver not be able to pick up the signals?