Decoding RS485 (for Integration on ESP for reading sectional door)

Hello and good evening.

I have to go a little further in this action, but I hope that someone will take the time to read through the text and perhaps even help.

We have several door operators for our sectional doors, one was broken and we decided to replace the entire door including the control unit and the motor.

I found some information on the internet about the control unit, a Tormatic T100 DES (the parent company is probably Novoferm).

I saw that there are two potential-free relays that switch when the door is open or closed.
For a first analysis and a quick code on the ESP32 with ESPhome this was enough for now, I know when the gate is fully open and when the gate is fully closed.

Unfortunately, the gate is quite high because it is also used commercially.
So it can happen that the gate is stopped at e.g. half the height. However, both relays do not switch and I have no idea how far the gate is open.
(I have added a relay board to the ESP32 and can also use it to move the gate; this is not a problem because the actual gate is equipped with a sensor edge at the bottom and there is also a light barrier).

Now I have seen that the control unit communicates with the motor via an RS485 interface.
Since there is a button on the control unit for an opening height that can be stored as required, the control unit must know where the gate is at the moment.

So I ordered an RS485 to USB adapter and thought it would be as simple as decoding the data bus of a car.
But this is where I fail! The software supplied by Waveshare is completely outdated and not even in English. I then read that you could also use terminal programs such as TerraTerm, but all I see are hieroglyphs regardless of the baud rate I have set.

In my head I already had my project ready, because I already have the RS485 to TTL adapter and I know that I could connect it to the ESP32.

So, TLDR, how can I read and decode the RS485 (possibly Modbus) so that I can see how far the gate is open or closed, whether it is stationary or closing.
I have written to the manufacturer, but I don’t expect them to reveal the structure of the BUS.

Regards GIN!

Maybe if I add an RS485 → TTL to my ESP32?
But I think the ESP32 is not capable of sending the complete traffic?

Hey @gintonic! Just found your post here. I am helping my brother adding his T100 control unit to his HomeAssistant. Could you help share some info to point us in the right direction?

We bought some ZigBee relays to control up/down but would also be really interesting to get open/closed state sent to HomeAssistant without buying a separate door contact sensor.

This is how the T100 looks like inside