Deconz application problem

Im am new to this and cant find any information about this. Why do i have some nodes with out conections to them and how can i fix it. Thanks in advance

There’s nothing to fix. Some devices don’t send data very often, so if you wait or cause them to trigger (eg. press the doorbell), the map might update. But it might not, particularly if you have powered devices that act as routers. Not all routers will report end-devices, in which case the map will never show the links. The devices marked with yellow can act as routers, so it’s possible your doorbell is connected to smart plug 4 (for example), not the controller directly. And if the gym switch doesn’t report end devices to the controller, the map will not update.

But there are 2 nodes without proper name and that indicates they are not included properly. Try deleting those two and include them again.