It doesn’t seem to be finding the stick; checked Supervisor > System > Hardware > and its listed as: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_DE2191372-if00
Took it out of HomeAssistant and plugged into a Windows 10 machine, found it could access the ConBee, did a firmware upgrade on it and tired again. Rebuilt HomeAssistant and installed a snapshot from before installing deConz and repeated (several times) and still no joy!
At a loss where to turn, the ConBee seems to be working (as proved when I ran it in a different machine), HA can see it (as proved when checking Hardware) - whats the missing link here I’ve not found. Not a tech guru but not too stupid, but its beaten me Thank you
Not really.
There is still many that have a problem with the deconz addon and using the symlink device. So if you only have ONE usb device then I advice to use the straight device link
A Conbee Ii stick is created as /dev/ttyACM0 and not AMA.
The AMA is for their Raspberry Pi hat as I recall it.
Typically the people that have problems with devices are us with Aeotec and Conbee as they both race for ttyACM0 and ttyACM1 respectively.
Those that have problems with by-id links typically see it 1-2 for every 10 restarts where the addon just fails to start claiming that the device does not exist. As far as I know this is not resolved as I still see people reporting the issue.
I personally move my deconz to its own bare metal and that solved all my problems. But if you only have one ttyACM0 device then you have no worries with the addon.