deCONZ config options for presence sensors

Hi all,

I see here in the code that only two config options (Delay and Duration) are available through GUI for Presence sensors in the deCONZ plugin (if I understand correctly)

The mmWave sensors often have other very useful config options such as ‘sensitivity’ and ‘triggerdistance’.

Is this something that has been discussed before to be added? How can I go about adding it? And also, is there a way to generalize this, in order to avoid adding code for every single configuration option?

Years since I’ve used Deconz, so I don’t have a solution for what you’re asking spesifically, but have you considered Zigbee2MQTT? It supports what you’re asking for most likely.

I have. I am honestly stuck with this for now. So many devices inaccessible in the walls and in the ceiling that I can’t pair at will.

Sure they can’t be put in pairing mode by cutting the power x amount of times?

Turns out you are right! I never thought of it. I checked all the devices, and all support switch-on-switch-off reset…

I just need to order a new dongle to start migrating.

Quick thought: Why Zigbee2MQTT and not ZHA? Isn’t it simpler to have it natively?

What dongle do you have? The Conbee II is supported, not sure about the other ones. No particular reason ZHA / Z2M, I prefer the latter.

I will order a new dongle for the new network so that I can migrate gradually. Probably the respectable CC26X2R1.