deCONZ entities unavailable after reboot

Same here. We had a power outage this night, all deconz sensors and switches are gone now. Logs give the following message: “Error connecting to deCONZ gateway at”.
I checked that everything inside phoscon/deconz is working via VNC (all devices still there).

For a test I restored a home assistant backup from a week ago, now the lights and plugs are working again, but a lot of sensors are not available in deconz anymore, it´s anoying…

Update: everything fine now, but I didn´t made the last updates yet.

Update 2: Update done and everything fine, very strange…

I have a similar issue posted here.

In short: No entities available after my HA VM is rebooted.

I also found a workaround that works for me: Disabling auto start of the Deconz add-on and create an automation that starts the add-on with a one minute delay after HA is started

More information is given in the GitHub post.

Hi, I have a deconz running with a conbee 2 USB stick. deconz add-on installed, running all fine, integrated in home assistant and I could control the philips hue color light, even login via VNC to the container… it all worked!

for 5 mins…

then I got in home assistant “unavailable”. I cant control it from there anymore. the hue light I still can control from the addon but the entity says unavailable…

deleting the integration, going to decons and then gateway-advanced- authenticate ap and readd does make it work for a little time and then breaks again… rebooting home assistant an hassio doesnt help… what could be wrong?

So deleted the integration agian, reset gateway (authenticate app) readd and then:

but then after a while lost agiain… what could it be?

Hello everyone

This is my first post. I’m just dipping my toes in Home Assistant.
This is my experience with the problem.
I the HA command line:
To generate the problem with lost deconz devices: host reboot or host shutdown (After startup devices are unavailable)
To manually solve the problem: core restart

This is my only solution so far.

@HammerNL can you share this automation?

I found this post by @nodefeet in the github thread you refer to:

This seems like a good workaround, however is this a solution for a HA running on a linux os only? Anyway, I don’t know how to do this. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I’m running HA directly on an old laptop (No OS, NUC style)


EDIT: I ended up doing an automation with a 30 second delay doing [deconz.device_refresh] That did the trick for me. I know, it’s not a very good permanent solution though. Hope they fix it in a later release.

Does anyone know of a permanent fix for this issue.
I run HomeAssistant (formerly in a VM on top of ProxMox, which is enterprise grade virtualisation. My HA instance has full usb port passthrough, not just device passthrough, and I am getting this issue with deConz Integration, but for me it is only lights and deConz light groups going unavailable. Motion sensors within deConz seem to remain available. I am using latest version 2.05.77 (22 May 2020) via the Addon in Supervisor and Home Assistant 0.110.3

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For mere too. The lights and the plugs.

I logged for this issue.
If anyone else has same issue, maybe you could chime in with some experiences so we can help fix it

Same issue here. No fix yet ?

I unplug the usb stick replug and reboot the addon (container). Not most elegant but works …

Yes, for me:

  • sensors all available and reporting changes
  • lights unavailable in HA
  • lights available and can still be controlled in the Phoscon app

Solution (this time):

  • Configuration > Server Controls > Server management: Restart (i.e. just the HA app)

Lights immediately available again, the sensors become available slowly as they wake up and phone home. Hope this helps other people.


Reboot worked for me as well…
such annoying bug!

I run the original image and Im using the official store addon, my stick has the latest version and I also have this problem! Always need to restart HA manually after each reboot otherwise deconz is not working!

Same issue for me. Running latest versions of, conbee ii firmware and home assistant.

There is however a dirty fix for this issue which works for me:

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